Don't let her in..
By naitik oraon in Crime Thriller | Reads: 124,398 | Likes: 2,298
Shilpi, shilpi? an angry voice came from the corner left room Yes baba[,father] ,It’s almost done ,just coming ,Shlipi answered  Why is it so late,does it take so long to make single cup of tea? It became really difficult for 14 year old Shlipi to handle all the household chores after th  Read More...
Published on Jun 22,2022 05:47 PM
Unlike-minded but United
By Syed Habeeb in Historical | Reads: 109,137 | Likes: 1,253
Five of a family who returned from a holiday in Goa died of Covid 19 on consecutive days and were buried in series right beside each other. The only surviving members of the family were two little children. During the second Covid 19 wave, I still remember the cries of a wife on our helpline call, b  Read More...
Published on Jul 8,2022 04:13 PM
By Nengthenkim Touthang in Romance | Reads: 50,091 | Likes: 557
  Theme: A short fiction love story where a man rejects his girlfriend for eating Dog Meat and doing Dog meat Mukbang.     Title:      BRUNO AND RAMBO I remembered I was once saved from fire by Bruno. As a kid, I love playing with the flame of a candle and go  Read More...
Published on Jul 5,2022 02:28 PM
What If: Marriages were not made in heaven
By Biswajeet Senapati in True Story | Reads: 49,486 | Likes: 2,716
Love at first sight When I saw her for the first time, I knew we were made for each other. I think this happens to 100% teenagers and they call it one hundred percent one sided true love. Few would say - this is nothing but hormonal rush. Others would say, this is nothing but physical attraction. Bu  Read More...
Published on Jun 20,2022 05:23 PM
By Anusha AsaiThambi in Historical | Reads: 45,590 | Likes: 1
ABOUT HER:               Sembavalam was a 16 years old little princess who lived approximately before 2000 years in the Kingdom called “AYUTA” (Now it is known as Kanya Kumari, South Tamil Nadu). “AYUTA” was the Kingdom of the Pandyan E  Read More...
Published on Jul 2,2022 05:21 PM
Confusion In Confessing Love
By MEERA KATHIJA in Life Journey | Reads: 42,028 | Likes: 4,308
In love, we have all kinds of confessing dual systems of expecting promises. Sometimes, the promise-making becomes a far stubborn tone when we enter into the relationship. I too had a lovely stubborn experience which I don't ever forget in my life, the drift valley of deep scar is daily encountering  Read More...
Published on Jun 18,2022 12:36 PM
My experiments with the dirt
By Krithikha Suresh in Humour | Reads: 40,840 | Likes: 171
Hi little ones, and hello to everyone reading about my life. To be frank, I haven’t done any experiments, I just couldn’t think of a name for my biography, so as Gandhiji has named his biography as my experiments with the truth, I have named mine as my experiments with the dirt. You migh  Read More...
Published on Jun 20,2022 06:09 PM
By mystupidlifeofficial in Horror | Reads: 40,486 | Likes: 393
Hello, my name is Harry, and I am 13 years old. My life hasn't been going so well lately. In my house, there have been a lot of mishaps recently. Something strange is happening in my room. Mostly, it revolved around a book, which I obtained from a Stanger. Allow me to tell you about myself and a cur  Read More...
Published on Jun 19,2022 11:55 PM
One Sided Love: A Love Without A Name
By Bisal Biswas in Romance | Reads: 36,430 | Likes: 104
Everyone talks about successful love. The passionate, committed, and ceaseless love stories. But what about those who failed in love, the love that was one sided, as the youngsters call it 'Friend zoned'? They also had love and affection but were rejected, not by the family but by the loved one. It'  Read More...
Published on Jun 25,2022 09:17 AM
By Rahul Jain in Supernatural | Reads: 30,204 | Likes: 800
Granny   The announcement on the bored railway station of Nagpur reminded me that I needed to remain alert for my belongings. The robotic recording stated that the Geetanjali Express was on time and would be leaving platform number 5 at 12.05 am, which was a few minutes from now. I was on the u  Read More...
Published on Jul 8,2022 08:12 PM
The Lottery
By Preetha in Mystery | Reads: 29,186 | Likes: 2,097
Old Gunther, the Colonel The setting rays of the evening sun faintly illuminated a tall figure in the porch while darkness slowly permeated all around. Age and wisdom left a deep imprint on his pensive face. His eyes once sky-blue were now paler and reflected only a deep sadness, others perceived it  Read More...
Published on Jul 4,2022 08:38 PM
After breakup part 1
By 1011eyusuf567 in Mystery | Reads: 21,529 | Likes: 629
I don't know why I am like this. I take wrong decisions all the time. Even today I am here because of my mistake. I cry, but why don't you listen to me. I can't tell anyone the condition I'm in, no one can understand how to tell. Yes, I want to tell that I have broken up. There was no reason, yes ma  Read More...
Published on Jun 24,2022 09:09 PM
Zero sum game
By Akshay Moreshwar Shelke in True Story | Reads: 21,428 | Likes: 181
“Coke is for babies, bring us some beer, Sameer”, Ankit mumbled when we were around a table that seemed to be shrinking, our coke bottles and Chilli Paneer plates were finding it increasingly difficult to find space on the table – until Riya suggested that we should   Read More...
Published on Jul 10,2022 08:07 PM
By Wanuka Mehrotra in Supernatural | Reads: 21,242 | Likes: 1,873
Secrets. What is a secret? It is something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen. If you know someone's secret, it's not a secret anymore.It was the time of fall, everything seemed perfect. I just love winter, and autumn brings me hope of happiness! "Luna! Come quick!" My friends called  Read More...
Published on Jun 30,2022 12:21 AM
A Crash Course
By S Pavithra Ram in Life Journey | Reads: 20,434 | Likes: 67
“Abhay! My company is entirely my blood and sweat! “roared Anagha as she stormed into her brother’s office, bejewelled and clad in an exquisite silk saree.“The vision, brain and toil, were all mine! His role is purely cosmetic. Advisory! He is there only to facilitate my drea  Read More...
Published on Jul 3,2022 11:50 PM