
By Sugun in Mythology | Reads: 6,252 | Likes: 0
ಕುರುಕ್ಷೇತ್ರದ ಯುದ್ಧ ಮುಕ್ತಾಯವಾದ ನಂತರ ಯುಧಿಷ್ಠಿರನು ಯಜ್ಞವನ್ನು ಪ್ರಾರಂಭಿಸಿದನು. ಆ ಸಮಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಬ್ಬರು ಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮಣರು ಬರುವು  Read More...
Published on Jun 12,2022 07:02 PM
A week in "Conchord 346"
By Soumyaranjan Panda in Mystery | Reads: 9,716 | Likes: 410
Here comes the 5th full moon night of Conchord 346 Train, a journey that costs 200$ for each person from Ohio to California and gets more expensive every time than the previous one. The stories of Conchord 346 make it exciting and expensive every time. Most of the royals from all over the world are   Read More...
Published on Jun 11,2022 04:53 PM
There's Mischief In Mangoes
By Cindy Pereira in True Story | Reads: 3,558 | Likes: 3
My grandmother said that my dad was a very mischievous kid. She also said that he was a ‘pukka’ little rascal, that he was always in trouble and ever tasting the tail-end of Grandpa’s belt! Even his brothers, and my dad has eight, would not refute this; but they all insisted that i  Read More...
Published on Jun 10,2022 08:56 PM
Society's Dirty
By Prajin in Crime Thriller | Reads: 3,275 | Likes: 6
SOCIETY's DIRTY INTRO At the starting ,a boy is writing a letter, but it is not shown clearly, what is in the letter. And he cutting his hand with a knife, then the blood is falling on the letter.  POLICE INVESTIGATION Policemen were coming to the spot, and started investigating. At the spot, t  Read More...
Published on Jun 10,2022 09:45 PM
Doughnuts on wheel
By Sneha Dhar in Humour | Reads: 3,318 | Likes: 2
The place couldn’t have been more familiar, the usual hollering of the people, the never so audible railway announcement, sight of passengers rushing hither and thither. Sitting there, with a cup of cappuccino, spectacles drooped to capture the glance of New Delhi railway station in the early   Read More...
Published on Jun 10,2022 09:48 PM
Life and it's synonyms
By Zuneria Fatima in Children's Literature | Reads: 3,802 | Likes: 5
In a haze of life he actually forgot the wave of a moment full of light but dull in place. Sleeping in his room but mind on those sparkling little bicycle he quitely admires which he came to know by his friend who's a rich boy and an accompany of him. Jake and John are friends since they were 2 but   Read More...
Published on Jul 9,2022 11:22 PM
The Wanted
By Tejasvi Vashishtha in Crime Thriller | Reads: 12,350 | Likes: 241
                                                                            The Wanted       &n 
Published on Jun 10,2022 10:56 PM
Blessed be ... love can even move mountains
By ratul in Children's Literature | Reads: 5,111 | Likes: 1
A quintessential cloudy afternoon , pensive or contemplative with nostalgic threads , a convulsive back-pull that seems quite in line with a solitary walk down the rustic lanes of a lesser known village in Kerala. Venla, the teenager village boy is walking nonchalantly down the long winding earthen   Read More...
Published on Jun 10,2022 11:01 PM
The Act Of Strike
By Sumeet Kumar writer in Fantasy | Reads: 5,932 | Likes: 92
"When our military brothers fight on the border, they never fight for any one nation , neither fight for any one caste nor fight for any religion" , they fight only for that feeling which we proudly call India. Not everyone can feel these great things, the evidence . Today I am going to tell you a s  Read More...
Published on Jun 11,2022 01:05 AM
The Strange Gift
By Sagar Kumar in Crime Thriller | Reads: 4,932 | Likes: 38
Jamie’s birthday was yesterday and on the occasion of his birthday his mother and his servant were making birthday decorations at his house. Then all of a sudden there was the sound of the telephone ringing at 9:30 pm. Jamie picks up the phone and asks, “Hello, who is it?” “H  Read More...
Published on Jun 11,2022 02:45 AM
The Fake Life
By Adhithya Sakthivel in Humour | Reads: 3,335 | Likes: 4
All the world's a stage, and all the men and women are merely players. Though there is a higher and wider significance to life, of what value is our education if we never discover it? We may be highly educated, but if we are without deep integration of thought and feeling, our lives are incomplete,   Read More...
Published on Jun 11,2022 06:12 AM
Invisible Aliens
By Pro-Career in Science Fiction | Reads: 3,360 | Likes: 0
Asteroid Strike   The 7.5 lac asteroids in the Mars- Jupiter belt. It is an amazing sight. Just Awesome! But today, on a cold wintry day, the 26 December 2066, there is news you don’t want to hear. One of these Earth annihilating size asteroids has strayed.  And it is now in the spac  Read More...
Published on Jun 11,2022 09:19 AM
Life After Lockdown
By Shrawan Kumar in Life Journey | Reads: 2,371 | Likes: 2
We’re in the last week of the lockdown and even though there are whispers about a staggered exit, there is no confirmation on what will really happen when the 21-day period gets over. Assuming the lockdown is lifted, many of us will be venturing back to the office. While many will be rejoicing  Read More...
Published on Jun 11,2022 09:20 AM
By Tejasvi Vashishtha in Mystery | Reads: 4,910 | Likes: 152
The Mystery In 1997 a plane called "Mystery" was a plane that nobody knew about. The plane flew from an airport that was not known. The police station got a piece of news that the money from all the banks was gotten stolen all around the world. Then the police thought about the plane when they rese  Read More...
Published on Jun 11,2022 09:57 AM
By Gautam in Women's Fiction | Reads: 5,012 | Likes: 14
Poorna’s youthful mind, at that instant, wasn’t thinking about the reason for the sudden wave of passion that flooded her mind. It could have been the ambience as it was half past three in the morning, the full moon above still promising at least two hours of utter darkness. It could hav  Read More...
Published on Jun 11,2022 11:05 AM