इतना खुदगर्ज़ नहीं हैं ये प्यार
By Pooja Madame in Poetry | Reads: 1,094 | Likes: 6
अगर साथ हो मेरे तो सब साथ साथ ही चलेंगे  तुझे सब से दूर करके हम क्या पाएंगे . तुझसे&n  Read More...
Published on May 12,2020 06:13 PM
My Grumpy Old Man
By Vandana in General Literary | Reads: 778 | Likes: 6
I was about to 'confirm pickup' on my Uber app when my father interrupted. ‘I think we should take an auto from outside,’ he said. I told him that it would be unwise to walk half a kilometer just to ride an auto in this scorching sun. He, in his usual complaining tone, lamented rather lo  Read More...
Published on May 15,2020 08:04 PM
By Asmi in Romance | Reads: 572 | Likes: 6
Your memories or I say “OUR” memories that I kept folded and safe over all these years in that little box you gave me. You were untouchable and unexplored since the day you were gone. But today while searching through my little almirah of memories I saw that fragile box of “OUR&rdq  Read More...
Published on May 15,2020 03:29 PM
By Deepan R in Fantasy | Reads: 732 | Likes: 6
The most trance moment of a day doesn't come at the eve of midnight hours during which your mind starts to take a stroll down the memory lane, reanalysing each mistake and choice taken in the past to meet the present you who is still in a state of confusion. It seems like a never ending loop.Just li  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 12:54 PM
By Amelia Moses in General Literary | Reads: 980 | Likes: 6
 I’ve always wondered about words, where they come from, how they arose, why they mean so much to some and so little to others. Some words bring joy and some, gloom and doom. They say words are powerful, they hold the power to change a person’s life, her path over time. What is it a  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 05:43 PM
The Poor Boy
By Mishi Jain in General Literary | Reads: 782 | Likes: 6
They say everyone has a story; and this one is about a boy who sold masks. Once in some distant town, not so long ago, there lived a boy who made a living by roaming the streets and selling masks. He was a young boy about eleven or twelve years old, but his wisdom was way more than others of his age  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 08:39 PM
The love of my heart
By harry in General Literary | Reads: 327 | Likes: 6
Hello everyone.... lets talk something that was experienced by all in some part of our life....may be not by some people till now .... All of us have a dream to have a person in our life who can handle all our mood swings ,who can understand our all situations well before we could explain them...Ye  Read More...
Published on May 24,2020 12:57 AM
By Ishu in True Story | Reads: 1,677 | Likes: 6
"I HOPE I live." This being said by a patient suffering from depression wouldn't be something unrealistic.This is not because sadness or depression is a mild problem, but its more commonly spread than the corona virus at the peak of its pandemic career. We are born with an ability to experience this  Read More...
Published on May 27,2020 02:47 PM
Running Together
By Anumeha Bhagat in Poetry | Reads: 1,051 | Likes: 6
Why are they all running, running to win a race. Trying to achieve the end, The end which will yield nothing; but consequences bleak.                 Everyone is trying to reach the limit,         Read More...
Published on May 27,2020 03:56 PM
Other side
By Vedanti in General Literary | Reads: 294 | Likes: 6
I dream of an alternate universe where my father and I talk a lot on the phone.  He calls me before my exam to tell me that I'll rock it. He calls me on my first day of periods to tell me that I'm a strong woman, stronger than he ever will be. He tells me that he remembers the first time I call  Read More...
Published on May 27,2020 06:10 PM
By Swaraj Bhatia in True Story | Reads: 847 | Likes: 6
“I have been in love before, just was never was with someone, “David divulged, as he and Kevin loitered inside the mall  “Someone broke your heart?” asked Kevin, “Nah, she simply refused even to take it,” David jested, stating his brutal truth. Kevin giggl  Read More...
Published on May 28,2020 07:28 AM
Lost Alone
By Zainab Raees in Poetry | Reads: 659 | Likes: 6
There are days, When my words leave me. When nothing about me feels familiar, When my own thoughts seem foreign. There are days which are quiet, The soft fall of rain on a lonely street, And I seem to be the only one watching it pour. I seem to be the only one listening. The Kodaline music,from a fr  Read More...
Published on May 30,2020 01:17 AM
They are my Parents
By Eleena Sanyal Banerji in General Literary | Reads: 668 | Likes: 6
"Nose is just like her Father's!" said Ruchi, carefully filling out the circle of the bright, red bindi. "Come on, just look at the black, silky hair and those big, round eyes. Ditto Mother" quipped Niti, while applying the kajal. They were giving finishing touches to Prapti's bridal make-up.    Read More...
Published on May 30,2020 11:19 PM
The Destiny
By Azharudeen Habibulla in Romance | Reads: 616 | Likes: 6
Life takes us through journey of meeting people. We get to know people by birth and by choice during different stages of life. Though we get situation to connect with many, very few travels with us until our destination; and very few who depart from us, leave a life time impression in our thoughts.  Read More...
Published on May 30,2020 11:38 PM
The monday that wasn't
By archana nair in General Literary | Reads: 1,047 | Likes: 6
There I was standing by the road waiting for the bus. Monsoon has arrived right in time for my school reopening. The cloudy skies, sodden roads and muddy boots reflected and amplified my mood. Two months were over in a lightening. Speaking of lightening, my TV was damaged in yesterday's thunderstorm  Read More...
Published on May 31,2020 07:32 PM