
By Farhin Sultana in True Story | Reads: 327 | Likes: 0
As we do already aware of the fact that the pendamic has been stealing the headlines and centered itself into limelight from few months ago. Correct? We have beein observing things from surface level whatever our eyes made us to see and whatever our nerves made us to sense. But if we introspect, we   Read More...
Published on May 15,2020 10:03 PM
Thank God! It rained...
By Mansi Wadhwani in Romance | Reads: 395 | Likes: 2
People say love is found in the most unexpected places, in the most unexpected people, at the most unexpected time. However, I believe, one factor is always known. Not expected, but known. Just like she knew that she would fall in love with him if she kept on seeing him like this, and she didn't wan  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 09:15 PM
Repaying a favor...
By Anujaya Pradhan in General Literary | Reads: 629 | Likes: 8
Once upon a time there is a poor girl named Vasudha lives with her old mother in a small hut.  Her mother was a maid in a big and well off bungalow but due to her mother's illness, Vasudha took the charge of working there. That bungalow belongs to an old woman who has only son settled in abro  Read More...
Published on May 15,2020 11:24 PM
By Arunima Datta in Poetry | Reads: 259 | Likes: 0
Darling!!! Let's replace Our Cold and Dead  Silence with Warm and Spirited Words, to allow the wrenching Heart  to finally drop a tear of bliss.   By melting the intense berg of ice cold Silence, with blazing warm Words of unbridled endearment.. #writeyourheartout   Read More...
Published on May 15,2020 11:24 PM
The inner peace
By riya in Poetry | Reads: 339 | Likes: 2
some times i thought that.... i must escape myself from the memories  that i created inside me.... is this possible..?  but deep inside i know it is not possible ‌this will remain inside me.... and every time  testing my inner soul   Read More...
Published on May 15,2020 11:26 PM
Some observations on ‘being cocooned’ and self-isolated
By Kirk Louis Jacob in General Literary | Reads: 1,401 | Likes: 0
Some observations on ‘being cocooned’ and self-isolated using the butterfly life Some observations on ‘being cocooned’ and self-isolated using the butterfly life cycle Introduction In this article, I intend using the various stages of the butterfly life cycle in orde  Read More...
Published on May 15,2020 11:53 PM
Covid 19 - A Pandemic or a Pause
By Mobasharin in True Story | Reads: 700 | Likes: 3
Well it wasn't quite long ago that the novel coronavirus made its highlights on all platforms across the world, and while I was naive enough to consider it a foreign, distant disease little did I know that it would knock at all our lives so soon. With all the media beaming with the news on the novel  Read More...
Published on May 15,2020 11:58 PM
Let be the one - help Others
By Dolly Sharma in True Story | Reads: 440 | Likes: 1
Once, my brother and I were going to the hospital. When the bus arrived we hopped in, at the same time an uncle was helping a grandma to get in, I held her hand and helped her to get inside, though there was so much crowd in the bus, but still an uncle gave his seat to the grandma. At first I though  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 12:06 AM
I'm not a cheat
By Nidhi in Poetry | Reads: 556 | Likes: 0
You are my wife and I love you a lotSo what if I don’t have u in my thoughtI’m addicted to watch nudity aloneWe don’t have any intimate tym of ownI always think of someone wildBut you are very gentle and kind I Love to make new girl friendsHaving same hobbies interests and trendsWe  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 12:24 AM
Metal Plates
By Ashtha in True Story | Reads: 241 | Likes: 0
The 15th of April came like any other day, it was not late enough that I managed to understand the depth of quarantine. Waking up was a constant while sleeping wasn’t, the homecare became a mundane part of learning efficiency in everyday’s work and it was the only place where I thought g  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 03:08 PM
Braille Script
By Drishya Anil in General Literary | Reads: 540 | Likes: 1
My hands moved through the books in the library.My fingers got struck to a unique book,it was a Braille Script.I was excited to see it for the first time,I opened the book with all its curiosity,moved my fingers through the projected prints.Later on I went home and slept at night.The next morning wh  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 12:58 AM
By Drishya Anil in Supernatural | Reads: 507 | Likes: 1
Her throat went dry...with a purse mouth and sighing she moved towards the door steps...She just heard those fearfully words spoken to her mom..."Just 2 more week is left for her".Her body responded its grief with few drops of blood from her nose!!! She just wiped it...entered the room and  loo  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 01:13 AM
Lockdown Saga
By Shruti in Poetry | Reads: 414 | Likes: 3
Lockdown… Lockdown… Stay at home, It's a time to pray at home, Sit at home don't go outside, Instead meditate and go inside, It's a time to recreate yourself, Think about yourself  And Work for yourself, Get up all don't be sad, Take it as an opportunity  And feel glad. Put  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 01:40 AM
Still in my heart!
By Anonymous! in True Story | Reads: 297 | Likes: 0
What if some incidents in ur past can be made out in words as a true story!!          Oh my god she has accepted ur request,but y not mine? The boy screamed at his friend.         Wait let me ask her whether she knew u or not. His friend convinced him!&nb  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 01:56 AM
Quarantine of a normal/slightly twisted person
By Ramanpreet Kaur Chhabra in General Literary | Reads: 538 | Likes: 0
“This will be quite a vacation.” These were the exact words that resonated inside my head when the lockdown was announced. As someone who likes staying in bed the whole day with least human interaction, as most of the individuals, this was my happy place. I would be a big fat liar if I s  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 02:27 AM