Social Short Stories

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by Palak Rana   

India, a country with diverse cultures, religions and communities is facing a problem called “How to bring about a change?” Well, there are millions
sitting in the comfort of their homes, scrutinizing the politicians and police and all those in power, for they believe these people are
wrong in their ways, which they ofcourse are. But the fact of the matter is that these "armchair activists" who are merely discussing such intense issues, are themselves
a substantial part of the problem which besieges this nation. Ask why?
Because they are ready to spend “hours and hours” of their time cursing and blaming the people in power, but when they get an opportunity to take a step forward and
help in bringing a change about which they were talking about, then they will say, “Who has so much of time to waste, man!?” Right! Wasting your precious million
dollar time on
blaming, debating and scrutinizing is part of creative discussion but moving their limbs to actually contribute to the cause is somehow a colossal waste of their
precious time. Best happens when
you ask these people “what do you want to do in life?” They will proudly hold their chin up and say “We want to do something for our country or I want to be a
good citizen or I want to join some NGO and bring real and visible change. But not to forget,they join these NGOs in their imaginations, they do contribute for
the betterment in their
sweet dreams and they are good citizens when they are arguing on such issues over a cup of tea. Somebody said it right, “We need to bring a change in our
imagination to bring a change in reality.” We can see what change our imagination is bringing. Then comes another interesting facet of this problem that is called
“Lets Candle March”.
Hah! This has become a mere time pass for jobless people who have nothing to do. Taking out a a candle march does not make any difference, my dearest of friends.
You are just depleting and degrading the
god damn environment with burning candles. Sitting hours at India Gate or any other beautiful place does not solve the problem or bring a change. In fact, it
just creates more health problems for everyone. We say politics is dirty, indeed it is but that is because our thinking and mentality is dirty. We all Indians have
adopted western culture in such a way that we want to dress like them, dine like them, listen to their music and so on but then, why is our thinking so low? Why
cannot we adopt some of the positive values they have? Now some people will curse me for saying this but to make it clear, I am not talking about getting pregnant at
the age of seventeen. I am talking about accepting and understanding the change around us. The major change that our society requires is not of politicians but
of mentality. Why cannot we stand together and say NO to any violence against women? Interesting thing is, the quantum of misbehavior against women increased even
more after our “candle march” of December. Some people will be ready to point out the “Women Helpline Numbers” and so on. But dear friends, they get jammed
right after some rainy showers and before that they are not answered. We need awareness. Why cannot we stand all against that every time a woman is being molested?
Why do we all watch startled in the background? Move your limbs guys, your God sent you to do some good. Make use of them.
Start looking at the opposite gender with some respect, this goes for women as well.
Then comes another problem which is the best and that is “These politicians should be thrown out.” Wow! Every second person is saying this but lets not forget,
those are the very people who end up voting for the same politicians. Why can’t some young men and women (literate of course) come in front and try to
form some “real” government? Yes yes, I agree it is not easy. I also agree that these politicians will try their best to stop you. But when did I ever say, the
fruitful result will not come with some hardships? They will try to stop one leader? Make another. Lets unite and fight, just like at the time of “Independence.”
All we need is another Gandhi to lead us out of this mess. But that Gandhi can also choose to be violent if necessary. I believe it is our responsibility to be
protective of people around us like : neighbors, parents, friends etc. And as we all know, if one takes this responsibility, others will follow. So, why cannot
we all take up responsibilities of people around us? Whether you are in a bus or a metro or wherever, stand for the right and teach others to stand with you.
Stop making false statements when you cannot own up to them in reality.
We want to change the politicians and the system, right? Then why do you always end up choosing the same party? Why are we all giving them a monopoly? When
discussing, we all say, “Ya man, Arvind Kejriwal is one gentleman, who's really right in his ways and blah blah blah!” But when the time will come to vote
for the party, half of us will either sit at home enjoying the holiday and the other half will end up voting for the same people AGAIN. Then why are you
praising a person like Arvind Kejriwal when you don’t have to give him a chance? Its worth taking a risk dear friends. We have chosen the same set of goofy
people and we end up in crisis. Lets try something different this time.
I am not just addressing this to the upper or lower middle class and upper class people. If you want to bring a change, take the people of lower strata in
confidence. Make them aware of the issues and our solutions. Try bringing change in them too. Of course, its not easy, but nothing is costing you your life as
well. Lets stop these people in power from buying menial workers. Lets unite all of our country to stand against the biggest problem we face. Forget the caste and
creed guys. Move on. Accept the change and lets “bring a real and visible change.”

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Copyright Palak Rana