Social Short Stories

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The wretched conspiracy.

by Simran Kinra   

Some people, it is said are conspired to meet by the universe.

Naina Sahai was a headstrong girl, exceptionally beautiful, with long black hair which rippled like a cascade down her shoulders.

She belonged to a high class business family based in Delhi and always got the best of all.

Night Clubs, parties, shopping and immense outflow of money was the basic description of Miss Sahai's life. But she never lost the common touch. She was known to be the most earthly girl of Miranda House; often found helping a poor child hither and a needy stranger thither with a smile that shined out real bright.

It was a not-so-happening day for Naina when she was diagnosed with jaundice and left to a room with a TV set, some books and a laptop.

Many days after puking and of 'being fed up' she logged in her FB profile to see a picture liked by her best friend.

The girl known for self esteem had within no time sent a friend request to a complete stranger miles away in Thiruvanantpuram after vigorous 20 minutes of stalking.

The trap finally caught Miss Sahai.

Aksh Arora was an aspiring engineer famous for his air and creepiness. This average looking guy was a severe example of that lot of mankind who -to be understated- despised parties and social life. Having been born in a middle class family to a single working mother, he was aware of 'where to spend' since he fought with the shopkeeper to provide him the cheapest crayons.

After finishing his last exam he reached back to his hostel room (unlike the others who were going to enjoy on the beach) and fire opened his laptop to check his e-mail. ( FB was always complimentary)

A red friend request pop up, he was amazed.

'Naina Sahai,' he thought to himself if he knew the girl. To much disappointment, he opened her profile.

''An alleged unknown hep'' he concluded.

Perhaps guys were rightly known to blindly accept friend requests from beautiful girls.

Months passed and none of them initiated a conversation until Naina needed likes for her FB page.

''Hey! Could you please like this page? Thank you''


''People begging for likes everywhere''


''Its okay if you don't want to like it. No need of being such a jerk''


''You mean *it's?''


''Haha . Typical. Can never accept the fault''


The guy was completely chucked out and never thought of again.
The girl was not thought of, anyway.

‘Dear Naina Sahai,
It is our privilege to inform you about your selection for the post of executive editor at The Heritage. You are supposed to visit the office within three working days not later than 11 a.m. if you decide looking up to the offer’

I should call up dad and inform him about it. She danced in glee.

‘Dear Aksh Ahuja,
It is our privilege to inform you about your selection for the post of Computer Analyst at The Heritage. You are supposed to visit the office within three working days not later than 11 a.m. if you decide looking up to the offer’

YAY. I need a beer. He resolved.


10th November. 10am
The Heritage, Connaught Place.

Naina was honking real hard at the ignorant young lad who blocked her way, not ready to make a move. Time seemed to sweep fast and if he did not move within –she calculated – 15 minutes she would have to drive up the next day again.
Driving in Delhi has always been a nightmare.
The lanky, black haired finally turned around revealing the reason of immobility since almost a decade - Earphones.
His duffle bag made it quite evident that he was travelling from a distant place.

Apparently, to annoy people.

With absolutely no apology in his eyes he made way for the girl whose mind was preoccupied rehearsing the speech and managing the hair. He just added a question to her already busy mind ‘You have seen him somewhere Naina. WHERE?’

She decided to rest the quest for some time and park her car; where she -while stealing glances in all the possible mirrors- ran into a guy. The luggage guy.

‘Are you following me?’

‘To hell with you, clear my way’

‘Could you please direct me to The Heritage? I’m new to this town’

‘Follow me.’
Please. Haha.

The receptionist asked for their names.
‘Naina Sahai’ ‘Aksh Ahuja’ they blurted in unison.

Naina looked at him in disbelief.
The guy was used to pulling people down and did not remember this victim; only until they both were hired and provided with cubicles that overlooked each other. And only until a supernatural power enlightened Aksh about the identity of the girl ‘who never accepts her faults’

He was known to be a wicked soul who knew everything but waited for an opportunity where he could humiliate the most severely.

FaceBook was a new launched trend back then.
Some gossip about an employee who was tagged in an alleged vulgar picture was on fire, while Naina ‘being above these petty issues’ sipped in her hot coffee and played solitatire at her work station.
This was the chance.
Aksh out of nowhere, twisted his tone and with sarcasm over sarcasm – even if it’s possible- cocked his head towards Naina and with much loft announced ‘Have you ever sent a request to a random guy and after a few chats which pointed your fault, blocked him. Uh, Naina?’

Naina felt as though somebody hit her with a boulder.

‘Better work occupies me, Aksh’

‘Oh yes, why not’ he murmured.

Then on, the days were smooth.
Both the souls were free of a heavy burden.
Former, of being ‘caught’ and the latter, of ‘catching’


It was December and Aksh’s birthday when as confessed to a colleague ‘The black jacket made him look ultra sexy,’ instigated the cupid to aim his arrows at Naina.

Since school days when all her friends were getting into flings, she was adamant on getting into a relationship only after she earns and now that she did, she was sure of not holding herself back anymore.
The guy, who held his sleeves too high was finally, without any more insights and advices SENT A FRIEND REQUEST.

It was accepted within any possible unit less than nanoseconds.

That second onwards, they talked and talked and talked all day long.
Chatting over the social networking site like teenagers even when they were just a plank of wood away neglecting all the work and procrastinating it till the night before deadline.

The chats were though, never usual and casual as those of the mainstream beings of the universe.
They both were always on the zeniths of sarcasm and never left even the slightest opportunities of insulting each other. But, they spoke love. The eyes reflected it. The actions did. The words did. Everything screamed pure love. No, they never used the four letter word in 6473829 chats exchanged, but they were into each other from head to heels and it was evident to everyone except them.

It was a usual morning when they both were the first to arrive due to their individual pseudo reasons, for the same motive of ‘spending some time alone’, when, out of oblivion Aksh proposed to Naina.
Nah, not for a relationship but for the engagement.
It was immediately accepted as though it was a coffee date.
20th April 2005, when the world celebrated Abhishek and Aishwarya’s wedding; they exchanged rings.

Naina’s family was very desperate on dancing in a Punjabi wedding and forced the couple into a marriage which was fixed two months hence.


Wedding day.

Road accidents might be regarded as an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of many people socially, but quite often, it is known to get too personal. Aksh sneaked out of his place to buy her love’s favourite chocolates which was a sudden wish and a truck managed hitting his car as he turned the steering to save a dog.
The brakes screeched and only thick red fluid was to be seen.
The entire family went awry when Aksh was missing and a phone call confirmed their unwelcomed thoughts. Nobody was in a state to react. It seemed as though too many pins pierced them altogether.

Naina was anyway feeling very uncomfortable since that morning and now was getting mad at her fiance for not calling her since four hours. She finally decided to call him and play a prank by telling him ‘ the marriage was over’.

Aksh’s mom received the call. Her shiver in the voice and the hiccupping sobs explained everything to Naina.
All she could manage was ‘Is he alive or dead?’
‘Dead, forever’. The voice exclaimed.

The truck’s tyre rolled over Aksh’s head and crushed his head causing HIM instant death and HER, instant coma.
The doctor declared a ‘shock’ being the reason of this prolonged state of unconsciousness after meticulously examining several ECG’s but everyone knew the actual reason.
She could never see him burning and decided to just disappear from the scene.

A few days, and she was gone to live the dreams with her husband.
She stood a lot of sarcasm just for this day, and why should she let him win in the end?
She had to answer back and for that, she had to leave. Forever.

Everyone knew the marriage could never break.
Oh the universe and it's wretched conspiracy. Well played.

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Copyright Simran Kinra