Vivek Gumaste



Books by Vivek V Gumaste

On December 11,2019 the Narendra Modi government in India enacted the Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 (CAA) which makes it easier to grant Indian citizenship to Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians from the named Islamic countries of Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan where they continue to be persecuted. This simple humanitarian act provoked unrest, violent in parts, in certain sections of Indian society and raised eyebrows abroad- a respon

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Books by Vivek V Gumaste

In 1980, after completing medical school in India, a young Indian physician lands in Britain in pursuit of his dream to get to the United States. He is young, a full 26-year-old, ambitious and opinionated. The two and half years that he spends in Britain prior to coming to the United States were eventful years and this book captures that period It is set in Great Britain of the early 1980's and comprises a medley of experiences: of a young, nationalist Indian c

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