Social Project Advisor, Writer, Speaker, Content Expert
Social Project Advisor, Writer, Speaker, Content Expert

32 Years Experience in Media (7 Years Electronic and 5 Years Digital Media)20+ years of experience managing an Editorial and Content Developers team More than 1000 articles/ Report published on Social Economic and Political issues Some Projects: 1. A series of 25+articles under BIG ISSUES2. Hosted many TV programmes on Budget and different Business Issues3. Produced Business Avenues 10 Episode (a serial for TV) to motivate youth and budding entrepreneurs to make them aware with different earning opportunities.4.  Produced Film with Vision (a serial for TV) to motivate budding entrepreneurs bRead More...


अब दुनिया अपनाएगी भारतवाद

Books by हरीश चावला

कोरोना महामारी से निपटने में जिस प्रकार विभिन्न देशों की आर्थिक प्रणालियां असफल हुईं उससे यह स्पष्ट हो गया है कि, सभी प्रणालियों में स्वार्थ तत्व हावी है और लोगों में अनुशासन क

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