
A self-confessed procrastinator, M.M.Siraj, moonlights as a copywriter to keep the home fires burning. When he is not writing, he is perfecting his Qigong moves or exploring the countryside on his acoustic motorcycle. He has published a collection of poems and a novel which didn’t do his reputation any good. He lives in a small town in the state of Kerala, India. Read More...


Dump And Other Poems

Books by MM Siraj

These poems, if you could call them that, are a small gesture, a hand that taps you on the back gently, sometimes a nudge, sometimes a shove, to remind you there is more to life than prime time, more to life than knowing the color of some starlet’s panties, or being led by the nose by the manipulators - big business, the ruling class, organized religion

- to keep you quiet, docile and plaint and fatten you for the kill.

- From the introduction.

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