Sachin C Narwadiya

Public Speaker and Writer
Public Speaker and Writer

Shri Sachin Narwadiya M.Sc(Biochemistry), PGDMLT, PGJMC Scientist D at Vigyan Prasar  I have 18+ years of experience in wide area of research and development and teaching. I have experience in Medical technology and diagnostic tools, Biochemical analysis, presentation tools and techniques, Science Quiz Master. As quiz master I conducted many science quizzes competitions in various part of country. In the Quiz a new method was developed by incorporation of Science films content in Quiz Questions for promotion of Science Films of Vigyan Prasar. I also visited Japan as part of scientist delegatiRead More...


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प्याज़ की हत्या

Books by सचिन सी नरवडिया

प्रस्तुत पुस्तक बिमारी का सरल विव्ररण और खान पान के पिछे के विज्ञान को रोचक तरीके से आपके सामने प्रस्तुत करती हैं। इस पुस्तक में विभिन्न बिमारी जैसे मायस्थेनिया ग्रेविस, प्रोस

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Books by Sachin C Narwadiya

The book has short stories of Love Break-Up and missed understaing. The Stories will facinate the readers about exciting stories in simple English. 

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निरोगी लोक- श्रीमंत राष्ट्र

Books by सचिन सी नरवडिया

आरोग्य, विज्ञान, पौष्टिकता, फार्मसी, सामाजिक कार्य, मानसशास्त्र, व्यावसायिक थेरपी, शारीरिक चिकित्सा आणि इतर आरोग्य सेवा व्यवसायात प्रशिक्षित अभ्यासकांनी आरोग्य विज्ञानाद्व

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Science Question Bank

Books by Sachin C Narwadiya

The book contains Quiz Questions from films produced by Vigyan Prasar and NCERT Syllabus. The Questions and answers are of various types like MCQs, One Word Answer and True and False. The Question bank will be useful for aspirants of various competetative examinations like Olympiads, Scholarship exams. 

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विज्ञान संचार की कहानियाँ

Books by सचिन सी नरवडिया

विज्ञान संचार की कहनियां एक अद्भुत, महत्वपूर्ण, अद्भुत पुस्तक है। एक बार जब आप पढ़ना शुरू करते हैं, तो आप इसके प्राकृतिक, आसानी से समझ में आने वाले लेखन के तरीके से इतने प्रभावित ह

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Stop Tuberculosis - Herbal Approach

Books by Sachin C Narwadiya

The book is useful to the budding researchers in Tuberculosis. The book encapsulated the research outcomes of Herbal Medicinal Plants against tuberculosis. Read the book and understand in depth of Tuberculosis. 

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सैनिक और स्वास्थ्य

Books by सचिन चंद्रकुमार नरवडिया

सेना का स्वास्थ्य सैनिकों के स्वास्थ्य पर निर्भर करता हैं युद्ध के समय स्वस्थ सैनिकों की संख्या ही आधी जीत सुनिश्चित कर देती हैं इसलिए स्वास्थ्य एक महत्त्वपूर्ण विषय हैं जिस

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Enjoy learning Biochemistry

Books by Rahul Meshram

This book provides basic concepts not only for UG and PG students of Biochemistry course, but it also give an opportunity for students from Diploma and degree in Pharmacy, Medical Laboratory Technology, Nursing, Home science, Nutritional Biochemistry background to understand and learn the biochemical concepts lucidly.

Formats of the book is in question answer manner that doesn’t put burden of topics and students also enjoy learning biochemistry g

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वो सात साल ...

Books by सचिन चंद्रकुमार नरवडिया

कहानी को पुस्तक के रूप में संकलित करने का विचार मेरे मन में कई वर्षों से था। समाज द्वारा सच्चे प्यार की हत्या कैसे की गई, इसकी एक कहानी। जतिन इस कहानी का नायक है जो हमेशा लड़ता है औ

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Let's enjoy Biochemistry Quiz

Books by Sachin C Narwadiya

Cellular Biology , Biodiversity ,Molecular Biology ,Metabolism  ,Enzymology and many more topics from Biochemistry was coevred in the book. Each topic/chapter had 50 Questions and answers given in last of chapter. The book will prove its usefulness in encouragement of knowledge. The book is beneficial for various competative examinations having Biochemistry as subject. Do not think more just a request to purchase book and enjoy Quiz. 

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My Journey in Science Communication

Books by Sachin C Narwadiya

The book is imprtant mile stone in Science Communication. Science Commnication is the dicipline where we meet and enjoy the communication through Science outreach. The Science Communication is live, exciting, social subject where we all meet greet peoples and enjoy the creation of science awareness. The book encapsulated my real experiences in various sub-subjects of science. Read and enjoy the stories which has emotions struggle and science too. 

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विज्ञान यात्रा

Books by सचिन चंद्रकुमार नरवडिया

भारत में विज्ञान संचार की बेहद जरुरत हैं। हमें वैज्ञानिक सोच का विकास करना चाहिए ताकि लोग अच्छे तरीके से जिंदगी जी सके। विज्ञान रोजमर्रा में हर क्रिया में हर वस्तु में निहित ह

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Tear Drop-A Love Story

Books by Sachin C Narwadiya

The idea of this real story to be compiled in the form of a book was in my mind for many years. A  story about how true love got killed by society. The Jatin is the hero in this story who fights back always and never loses hope. We must also be like him as hope is the only thing we have which can help us to re-start, stand again after a fall. we use the term “fall in love”. It is not correct. It should be “rise in love”.The bo

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मेरे बचपन की यादें-कविता संग्रह

Books by सचिन सी नरवडिया

कविताये किसी अभिव्यक्ति का महत्वपूर्ण विधा होती है कम शब्दों में अधिक बाते कही जा सकती है| 

बच्चों की कवितायें जो जिसे वह सुविधापूर्वक पढ कर के, गा करके, खेल सकें उनके व्यक्त

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भावनाओं के रंग, कविताओं के संग... !

Books by सचिन सी नरवडिया

यह संग्रह उन लोगो के लिये पठनीय है जो निराश है जिन्हे जीवन में नयी उर्जा चहिये, जो प्रेम में हार चुके है या जो प्रेम में जी रहे है । इन कविताओ में सब के लिये कुछ विशेष है । आइये और इस

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