I am an experienced content creator and digital/social media marketing professional with a demonstrated history of working in the publishing industry. Skilled in E-Learning, Market Research, Online Advertising, Management, and Business Development, C
I am an experienced content creator and digital/social media marketing professional with a demonstrated history of working in the publishing industry. Skilled in E-Learning, Market Research, Online Advertising, Management, and Business Development, C

I am an experienced content creator and digital/social media marketing professional with a demonstrated history of working in the publishing industry. Skilled in E-Learning, Market Research, Online Advertising, Management, and Business Development, Content Development. Read More...


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Bicycling For Fun And Fitness

Books by Nishant Baxi

Different Kinds of Bikes 

Bicycling has been a major pastime and it still hasn’t reached its peak. More and more people are still jumping on the bandwagon of going “biking” for different reasons. 

Bicycles are technically defined as a vehicle. It has two wheels, a frame, a saddle, and pedals and is human-powered. The "bike" as we all call it today, has been integral in the modern history of many cultures all over

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How to Improve Your Memory

Books by Nishant Baxi

Gracefully Aging Your Brain

The brain is one of the most important organs of our bodies. We use it all the time, but how often do we think about the wellness of our brain? 

Staying fit seems to be a growing concern in these modern times. People want to age gracefully by keeping a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and staying away from stress. People may not know it, but these practices, which are mostly done for physique, can help yo

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Run For Your Life

Books by Nishant Baxi

Plan Your Running Regimen Today

Running is not only practical, but it is also the easiest, cheapest way to get healthy and in shape.  Running, as a cardio exercise can benefit anyone – young or old. That is why running along with brisk walking continues to be popular with sports buffs everywhere.

Imagine, you do not have to sign up for a gym, nor do you need to purchase expensive equipment to enjoy running. Plus you get to enjoy

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The Mens Guide To Prostate Health

Books by Nishant Baxi

There was a time in history when there was no awareness of the prostate, let alone diagnosis and treatment.   Countless numbers of men throughout the ages have suffered and died as a result of this ignorance.

Through the miracles of modern medicine, today prostate disease is well-defined and is no longer necessarily considered a death sentence.  The most effective methods for handling prostate disease are knowledge and prevention.  

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Massage Therapy

Books by Nishant Baxi

Give a Perfect Massage

A massage is arguably one of the best things one can have after a very stressful day. Nothing relieves the body of the aches and pains that it experiences other than a well-given massage.

Touch therapy is proven to be one of the best stress relievers because it invigorates not only the body but also the mind and the soul. A massage clears the passages toward the harmonious function of one's mind and body, thereby unifyi

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Anti-Smoking Guide

Books by Nishant Baxi

Have you ever heard the phrase, “It’s easy to stop smoking, I’ve done it a hundred times?”  We all chuckle when we hear that, but the truth behind those words is a person suffering from a serious addiction.  We sincerely hope this book will help lead you or your loved one on the road to recovery.

Since you are reading this, chances are you are a smoker, or someone you love is a smoker.  In either case, you surel

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Secrets to Sleeping Soundly

Books by Nishant Baxi

Why is sleep important?

Sleep needs no definition, especially for most people who have longed for the sweet experience of deep slumber,   Sleep may be defined as that stage in which a person is supposed to experience total relaxation of body and mind.  During sleep, a person is less conscious and less active but his brain is at work. 

Proper sleep is important if a person is to keep to his normal duties the next working day.

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Living With Bipolar Disorder

Books by Nishant Baxi

Bipolar disorder is a manic depressive illness that occurs due to an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. As a result, the sufferer will have unusual shifts in energy, mood, and ability to function. 

This is very different from what normal people go through, as the symptoms of anyone suffering from this type of disorder are very severe. People who are unable to manage it will have difficulty in maintaining relationships, finding a job, and excel

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101 Powerful Tips for Legally Improving Your Credit Score

Books by Nishant Baxi

There are many misconceptions about credit scores out there.  Some customers believe that they don’t have a credit score and many customers think that their credit scores just don’t matter.  These sorts of misconceptions can hurt your chances at some jobs, at good interest rates, and even your chances of getting some apartments.  

The truth is, if you have a bank account and bills, then you have a credit score, and your cre

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Insider's Guide To Forex Trading

Books by Nishant Baxi

In any business or moneymaking venture, preparation and foreknowledge are the keys to success.  Without this sort of insight, the attempt to make a profitable financial decision can only end in disaster and failure, regardless of your level of motivation and determination or the amount of money you plan to invest.  

In the stock market, this rule applies to the nth degree, as you are investing your own money in what could be considered a hi

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Quick Start Job Guide

Books by Nishant Baxi

Anyone that has looked for a job in today's society will tell you that it is not an easy task. For every available job opening, there are hundreds of applicants trying to get the position. 

In this ocean of job hunters, it is easy to become overwhelmed and discouraged by trying to obtain a job. To be able to make it to the top of the applicant pile and get the perfect job, you need to know the keys to landing any job. 

The keys to

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Take Control Of Your Life

Books by Nishant Baxi

“The trouble with the rat race is that, even if you win, you're still a rat” ~ Lily Tomlin ~ 

There was a time, in the not-so-distant past, when families were expected to give up everything to achieve the financial security they craved. Perhaps you remember those decades, perhaps you are too young to recall those times. 

Those were the days when climbing the corporate ladder was a revered activity, and wives and children g

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Bird Watching For Beginners

Books by Nishant Baxi

               Imagine yourself lying in your bed.  The morning sun is just peeking through your window.  Along with the sun, you hear the melodious song of birds chirping their "good mornings" to each other --- and to you!  Have you ever wondered what those birds looked like?  Why they are close enough for you to hear?  What interesting characteristics do they have about them?


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How to Eliminate Stress & Anxiety from Your Life

Books by Nishant Baxi

It seems like you hear it all the time from nearly everyone you know – "I'm SO stressed out!"  Pressures abound in this world today.  Those pressures cause stress and anxiety, and often we are ill-equipped to deal with those stressors that trigger anxiety and other feelings that can make us sick.  Literally, sick.  

The statistics are staggering.  One in every eight Americans aged 18-54 suffers from an anxiety disorder.

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Escape To Paris

Books by Nishant Baxi

"Paris," wrote author Henry James (1843-1916), "is the greatest temple ever built to material joys and the lust of the eyes." People arrive in Paris from all around the world. They come here for many reasons. The city is not merely a repository of museums. It is more than a pretty postcard city. It offers its visitors more than fine food and world-famous dining. 

Paris is historic. There are the Champs-Élysées, the Louvre, the Tour E

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All About Crystal Healing

Books by Nishant Baxi

Crystals, also known as crystalline solids, are solid materials that are arranged in a sequential pattern in three spatial dimensions. Large crystals are often recognized through their macroscopic geometrical style with flat faces and unique characteristics. Though most people are familiar with crystals, some are not aware of their healing power. Get all the info you need here.

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Coping With Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Books by Nishant Baxi

What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Even though irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders encountered by doctors, a lot of people still do not know much about the illness. This could probably be because it is not given as much attention when compared to other illnesses. It could also be that irritable bowel syndrome itself has not been properly defined and explained to people.

Irritable Bowel Syndr

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Getting Rid Of Bad Breath

Books by Nishant Baxi

Millions of people suffer embarrassment due to bad breath.  

The technical name for bad breath is "halitosis."  Take a walk down the personal care aisle of any drug or grocery store and you will find product after product all dealing with this condition.

Before we can discuss how to get rid of bad breath, we need to have an understanding of the causes and symptoms.

Interesting to note the fact that dental hygiene was pra

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Beginners Guide To SEO

Books by Nishant Baxi

Inside this book, you will discover topics about avoiding the risks of SEO,

Common SEO mistakes, comparing the black and white hat in SEOs, debunking organic SEO myths, how to be an SEO content writer, how to use for your website, keyword selection for SEO, knowing the advantages of SEO, learning SEO for beginners and so much more!

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The Essential Guide On Internet Marketing

Books by Nishant Baxi

Internet marketing is being so loosely spoken about nowadays that people tend to be apprehensive about what it entails. Is there all that money in it as the intrepid marketers claim to be? 

Well, if you go about it the right way, there is. 

This eBook tells you about the right way to go through Internet marketing. Read on to know how to start with this and how to use it to make the best of it. 

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Dealing With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Books by Nishant Baxi

Basic Facts about ADHD

ADHD is an acronym that stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This condition was formerly known as Attention Deficit Disorder, though the name was modified when it was noted that the affected people were also prone to severe hyperactivity.

ADHD commonly manifests in young children, though most of them carry the traits over into adulthood as well.  ADHD is also referred to by some people as the "sin

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How To Have A Healthy, White Smile

Books by Nishant Baxi

They say that the eyes are the "windows to the soul."  If that is the case, then the smile must be the doorway.  Think about it for a moment.  Have you ever wondered how many times you will smile or laugh in your lifetime?   Does it matter?

It can matter a great deal if you are one of the millions of Americans who hide their mouth in shame rather than letting their inner joy reflect outward.

Nothing lets the world know m

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A Passion For Pilates

Books by Nishant Baxi

The Pilates Method, more commonly known as Pilates, is a popular kind of physical activity and exercise that aims to improve the body’s strength and flexibility.

Pilates began early in the 20th century. Joseph Pilates, a German boxer and circus performer who, during World War I, was forced into an internment camp, developed it.  While in that camp he developed floor exercises to help keep himself healthy and rehabilitate his fellow detaine

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How to Build Self-Esteem

Books by Nishant Baxi

How does self-esteem work?

Tracy has been in and out of relationships for so long that she is beginning to think that no one is out there for her.  No matter how she tried, and no matter what kind of guy she goes steady with, it always ends up with a big bang, and the door is usually slammed at her end.

She has blamed herself for her failed relationships because she was so kind or nosy, forgiving, selfless, and clingy.  You name

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Overcoming Addictions

Books by Nishant Baxi

In this guide, the Addictive Disorders discussed refer to health matters dealing with both physical and psychologically intense desires or cravings for substances or behaviors that grow into dependency. For example, not only will alcohol and drug dependency be addressed, but addictions deal with issues like emotional, "things" or "people" attachments. The general concept is that these cravings or yearnings are ongoing even though they cause the addicted person

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Can You Hear Me Now?

Books by Nishant Baxi

How The Ear Works

Considering its puny size, your ear is an extraordinary instrument. With a sugar cube-sized piece of equipment, you can distinguish all speech sounds along with nearly half a million other sounds. 

Your ears’ main function is to collect, process, and send sound to your brain. But that is not all; those two small intricate mechanisms that you have on the sides of your head are also responsible for keeping your balanc

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Spiritual Emotional Freedom

Books by Nishant Baxi

Whatever you are today is the result of your issues, qualities, propensities, and level of confidence. At each age, from birth to baby and kid to pre-adult, you have addressed particular difficulties. If the general population around you brought you up characteristically and solidly, you will transform into a very much adjusted and solid person. Nonetheless, if your young encounters are loaded with injuries and issues, these past occurrences will to a great de

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How to Ease Your Allergies

Books by Nishant Baxi

Stories of friends and family members unable to enjoy certain foods, participate in activities, or participate in particular environments are all too common.

50 million Americans are estimated to have allergies. This means that a great number of people live with certain lifestyle 'limitations' by what we've come to know as an allergy, which is what an adverse reaction by the immune system to any foreign substance is called. 

There is n

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Coping with Diabetes

Books by Nishant Baxi

When you hear the word epidemic, you may likely think of diseases that plague thousands of people in less developed countries far away. However, epidemics are not exclusive to such places. The world's most widespread epidemics strike a lot closer to home than you may think.

An epidemic defined is as a disease that has come to affect a large portion of a given population. The exact parameters differ among experts but a good estimation puts the number

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Childhood Obesity

Books by Nishant Baxi

How can you tell if Your Child is Obese?

In the past, obesity was regarded as an "adult" problem, and children were often regarded as safe from the ill effects of being a little "plump". The general rule most parents seemed to follow was that their children would outgrow any weight problems, and eventually, their bodies would become more "normal" once adolescence was reached. However, obesity in children today is a fully acknowledged problem, and a g

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Elimintate Stress And Anxiety From Your Life

Books by Nishant Baxi

It seems like you hear it all the time from nearly everyone you know – "I'm SO stressed out!"  Pressures abound in this world today.  Those pressures cause stress and anxiety, and often we are ill-equipped to deal with those stressors that trigger anxiety and other feelings that can make us sick.  Literally, sick.  

The statistics are staggering.  One in every eight Americans aged 18-54 suffers from an anxiety disorder.

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Understanding Acne

Books by Nishant Baxi

What is acne? Certainly, most of us know what it is, simply because we have had to experience it at one time or another in our lives. But, in case a definition is needed, here is a short one. Acne is a dermatological term that includes clogged pores, pimples, and lumps or cysts that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms. Acne occurs most commonly in teenagers but is not limited to any age group, afflicting even adults in their forties

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Pricing Strategies And Adding Value

Books by Nishant Baxi

Let me ask you a question. The last time you launched your product to sell online, or even offline, how did you conclude what price you were going to be selling at?

At a guess, I'd probably say you looked at the competition to see what they were charging. While this is a good start, it's far from the whole picture, and you're fumbling in the dark if you looking at competition as the only factor you’re taking into account.

Did you know

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Playing Simulation Games

Books by Nishant Baxi

It is safe to say that you are exhausted and need to make the most of your recreation time. At that point, playing reenactment recreations is your best decision. If you are new to these recreations, this is your opportunity to extend your thoughts. Regardless of whether you need to play simple or complex reproduction amusements, expect that you will love them all. 

Reproduction amusements are too simple to play. You simply need to know which kin

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Mastering In-line Skating

Books by Nishant Baxi

Inline skating is a recreational game and is quickly picking up fame around the world. In line, skates are generally furnished with 2 to 5 polyurethane wheels which are masterminded in a solitary line. Get all the data you require here.

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Your Destiny

Books by Nishant Baxi

Your life is of your own particular making. Nobody else yet you are responsible for your life. You are the driver who controls the haggle bearing or way that you take it, and will dependably be your own particular making. In any case, how would you summon your life to turn towards the way that you need it to take? By what means will you approach forming your predetermination? In this book, you can hope to take in every one of the things that you have to know w

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Monetizing and Utilizing Your Website

Books by Nishant Baxi

Making money from your website can be actualized through several strategies that have been proven over the years. Monetizing your website is not a myth and is, therefore, doable for everyone so long as you can follow the simple and proven strategies for making money through your website. Website owners have recently been able to transform their hobbies of blogging and frequent use of the internet into income-generating activities. Nonetheless, this comes with

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Self-Defense For Women & Children

Books by Nishant Baxi

Know Who Your Enemies Are

Ideally, we should be able to go through life without making any enemies. No sane person likes the thought of conflicting with other people, especially not ones who may be significant threats to life and personal security. Realistically, however, no one goes through life without making a few enemies. 

Aside from making enemies who will hold grudges against you, some random human predators see their species as

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How To Start A Catering Business

Books by Nishant Baxi

One of the greatest types of business to start up by anyone in the catering business since it is considered one of the most profitable while also having a high potential for expansion and growth. It is extremely rewarding for the person starting up, and can also be considered as being a lot of fun. Many different events take place in your current neighborhood which you may not know yourself; all of these events contain the opportunity for you to provide your c

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Workplace Safety

Books by Nishant Baxi

You may know that health and safety in the workplace are important, but you may not have thought of the reasons for it.  The fact is there are probably more reasons than you have considered.

First, health and safety in the workplace benefit every person who works there.  When people are healthy and safe, they are better able to do their jobs.  This in turn benefits the company. 

 When employers and employees alike spe

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Books by Nishant Baxi

Ever since Eve took that first bite of the apple, the human race has been obsessed with beauty.  Granted, each civilization has its definition 

of what attributes are used to define beauty.

Ancient Egyptian women AND men used various natural pigments to color their bodies in an attempt to appear more favorably to the "gods."  Headdresses and jewelry have adorned people throughout history with 

the expectation that th

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Sales Funnel Strategies

Books by Nishant Baxi

Sales Funnels in your online business are becoming more and more popular. It is no longer a case of creating a single online product and selling that product. Online business has now realized the potential of increased income with a sales funnel model. 

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Snoring Relief and Sleep Apnea

Books by Nishant Baxi

Snoring Culprits

Statistics show that about 45% of adults snore from time to time while around 25% snore regularly.  This is mostly considered a problem that needs some intervention or treatment.  

Generally, snoring is most common in men than women.  Overweight people show more tendencies to snore than those within normal weight.  Age appears to aggravate the situation as well.

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Staying Young

Books by Nishant Baxi

What's the purpose of staying young, you ask?  Well, there are a lot of positive aspects of staying young in a person's life.  Staying young is something that is in demand now.  There are many ways that you can look and feel that way, especially without having to shell out a lot of money.

How you do define being "young"?  Being youthful describes a state of mind, body, and heart.  Being young usually refers to being healthy

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How to Start Your Own Scrapbooking Business

Books by Nishant Baxi

Starting your own scrapbooking business is not a small task, but it can be one of the best options available to those who are creative, looking to work from home, or who want to share the experience they already have.

Scrapbooking is a fun project to do with your family. It is easy to relive all of those special moments with your children or with your friends. However, when you take on the scrapbooking of another person, oftentimes to depict events tha

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Essential Business Branding

Books by Nishant Baxi

When you think of a brand the first thing that probably comes to mind is a livestock brand. Branding of a product should be viewed as the same thing. When you have a successful brand, it sets your product apart from your competition. You want your brand to be able to expand your customer base and increase your market share. The larger your customer base and market share the more powerful your brand will become. 

Many factors go into making a bra

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Private Schools vs. Public Schools

Books by Nishant Baxi

One of the toughest decisions that you are going to face as a parent is where to send your children to school. 

For several parents, the choice of where to send their children for education is easy due to a lack of options. Many parents have limited time or funds and are unable to even consider sending their children anywhere other than the local public school.

On the other hand, the majority of parents do have the opportunity to consider

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The Ultimate Guide To Affiliate Marketing

Books by Nishant Baxi

The internet is one of the easiest ways to make money, particularly if you want to make money from your home or make money in a way that costs little and returns many-fold on your investment of little or nothing.  It has allowed people from all walks of life to make money—big money—and quit their day jobs (or in many cases, never start one to begin with).  And surprisingly, making money on the internet does not require the sort of backgro

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Building Better Backlinks

Books by Nishant Baxi

This report will be a little different because it's hard to recommend specific providers. 

No, I'm not hiding any of my top secret, ninja, stealth backlink providers, it's just that things change all the time. 

Providers come and go... If you've tried building backlinks yourself, you know how time-consuming this stuff is, if these guys aren't making money versus the effort they put in it's time to close up shop. 

There ar

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Guide To Successful Marketing Plan

Books by Nishant Baxi

Marketing plans are an imperative part of starting any business. They are used as a blueprint for mapping out how you will be able to achieve your business goals. 

A marketing plan is not only necessary for new businesses, as it can be used to help existing programs incorporate the strengths their company currently enjoys to implement necessary changes or improvements. 

A marketing plan can be implemented for a new product or servic

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Powerful Legal Solutions

Books by Nishant Baxi

These days most people can't afford to hire a lawyer when they need to. Luckily there are quite a few alternative options that you can take depending on your situation. One of the most flexible options is getting a prepaid legal plan, which we’ll talk about later on. Prepaid legal plans can be lifesavers in many situations but they’re far from being for everyone. There are restrictions on what they cover and how they work so sometimes they won&rsqu

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Making Scotch

Books by Nishant Baxi

You've explored the idea of making your beer and shot down the notion of wine just as soon as it cropped up. Your tastes demand something bolder, richer, and stronger. You're a scotch lover and nothing is going to change that. After all, there is nothing quite like drinking a smooth shot of scotch after a long day to warm the body from the toes to the soul. Perhaps the only thing that might compare is being able to boast that the shot in question came from you

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Raising Japanese Maples for Profit

Books by Nishant Baxi

The official name of the Japanese Maple Tree is Acer palmatum. The Japanese Maple Tree is a woody type of plant that is native to China, Korea as well as Japan. Several cultivars of this particular type of maple tree have been chosen and they are generally grown in various other areas around the world as well.

These trees are known for their eye-catching colors and beautifully shaped leaves. The Japanese Maple Tree is a highly sought-after plant. Depen

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The Complete Guide To Email Marketing

Books by Nishant Baxi

You finally realize that you need a good opt-in list. After reading countless articles and seeking expert bits of advice and having read many success stories of people creating a small fortune with opt-in lists you finally decide to have one of your own. Then it happens, you think you have known everything there is to know about opt-in lists and have followed their bits of advice to the T and you still weren't able to make a profit.

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Making Wine

Books by Nishant Baxi

You may or may not know a lot about wine but it's important to understand the rich history behind wine before you go out and try to make it for yourself. Wine, as you probably know, is an alcoholic beverage, typically made of fermented grape juice. The natural chemical balance of grapes is such that they can ferment without the addition of sugars, acids, enzymes, or other nutrients. Wine is produced by fermenting crushed grapes using various types of yeast. Ye

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Your Guide to Successful Parenting

Books by Nishant Baxi

How to Handle Your Child's Temper Tantrums

Every child undergoes a period when he is becoming less patient and is somehow frustrated at how limited his abilities can be. This disappointment and struggle to grasp greater control of things is vented through an activity referred to as temper tantrums.

Experts claim that temper tantrums often manifest in children aged one to three years. Temper tantrums are usually the nightmares of parents who

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The Ultimate Guide To Relaxation

Books by Nishant Baxi

How to combat stress

Stress has been blamed for various emotional and psychological problems such as:

•       Heart palpitations

•       Irritation

•       Depression

•       Lack of sleep

•       Poor work or school performance 

These are indeed common signs that a person is stressed.  Bein

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Finding a Feline Friend

Books by Nishant Baxi

Owning a pet is one of the most rewarding and sometimes one of the most challenging endeavors that anyone can get into. Studies show that having a pet can significantly reduce stress levels and can play an active role in the psychosocial development of children and adults. Many people have even had their lives saved by the animals they care for, and that goes for just about any pet. 

In this book, we're going to be talking all about cats. Now, hon

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Home Remedies

Books by Nishant Baxi

This book is not a substitute for medical advice.  Always consult a qualified health practitioner if symptoms are worrying or deteriorating.

No claims are made for the effectiveness of the remedies contained in this text, nor is any responsibility accepted for any side effects caused by their us

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The Truth About Credit Counseling Services

Books by Nishant Baxi

If you’re reading this then you are, no doubt, considering a debt counseling service. So, are they worth it? Do they work? Are they a scam? I intend to answer all of these questions and more with this book as well as provide you with some solid methods of relieving your credit debt that you can implement before you try and contact a credit counseling service. 

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Surviving the Recession: Finding Work in a Tough Economy

Books by Nishant Baxi

In all the coverage and editorializing on the recession that began during the Bush administration, something has been conveniently overlooked: It's not the first recession the United States has ever had to deal with, nor is it the worst.

There are always ups and downs. Certainly, there are exceptional periods, such as the Great Depression or the recession of the seventies, which began under the Carter administration, but those exceptional periods are

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Buying Homes in Foreclosure Auctions

Books by Nishant Baxi

Foreclosure may be something you do not want to have anything to do with if you are the homeowner, but as an investor; it could be a sign of profit. 

A foreclosure does not mean a property is in poor condition and is not cared for. It does not mean that the value of the property is less than what it would be if the home was being sold in a traditional marketplace. It does not mean you will have to spend a great deal or invest a lot of time. <

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Make Money in Flipping Houses

Books by Nishant Baxi

You may have heard the term on television (there are a lot of popular house-flipping TV shows these days) but not know exactly what it means. The basic principle is pretty simple: House flipping is essentially just buying a house dirt cheap (foreclosure, bad condition, etc.) and then selling it for a lot more than you paid for it. 

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Dog Training Tips

Books by Nishant Baxi

Dogs are among the most popular family pets around the globe. They have been known for their sense of loyalty, compassion, and most of all their ability to be trained more than any other popular pet. Dogs can be taught a myriad of tricks and behaviors ranging from very basic ones like sitting, begging, and going outside to do their business to extremely complex tricks like acrobatics and scent recognition. 

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Internet Bargain Hunting For Beginners

Books by Nishant Baxi

Shopping online is a way to make shopping simple.  At the same time, it is also an easy way to make shopping enormously complicated.  Having practically limitless resources, stores, and items for sale can be a double-edged sword.  You could spend your entire life surfing the web, saving large amounts of money, and still not see everything that is for sale.  On the other hand, you could waste your life always looking for a better bargain. &n

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Creative Marketing Tactics

Books by Nishant Baxi

Today's business market is an extremely competitive place. More businesses enter the fray all the time: for the past ten years, more than 750,000 new startups have sprung into existence across North America. Unfortunately, over 60 percent of new businesses fail in the first four years.

Why do they fail? According to a study performed by the U.S. Department of Commerce, there are three main reasons startup businesses fold:

·   &n

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Overcoming Depression

Books by Nishant Baxi

Everyone goes through rough times when they feel sad or down in the dumps.  It's pretty normal to feel that way on occasion.  

Crying can be cathartic and beneficial, allowing us to release all the negative stuff that is causing us to feel bad.

However, when depression seems to be going nonstop and the patient just can’t snap out of it no matter how hard he or she tries, then that probably signifies depression.

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A Guide to Modern Yoga

Books by Nishant Baxi

All About Modern Yoga

Yoga is an ancient art of meditation and exercise that has its original roots in religion and mysticism. The original purposes of Yoga were the liberation of the self from worldly desires and the attainment of a state of spiritual perfection through practicing various physical positions, breathing exercises, and mental conditioning.  Modern Yoga focuses more on the physical aspects of Yoga and its health benefits, doing awa

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Swimming For Life

Books by Nishant Baxi

Swimming for Fitness as a Health Routine

There is an Australian movie titled "Swimming Upstreams" with Academy Award Winner Geoffrey Rush ("Shine", "Banger Sisters", "Intolerable Cruelty) and Jesse Spencer ("Uptown Girls", the TV series "House). Spencer plays a swimmer whose major goal is to make his father proud. To prepare for his role, Spencer worked out to achieve a swimmer's body. 

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Raising An Autistic Child

Books by Nishant Baxi

What is Autism

Looking At The World From A Different Set Of Lenses

People have long established the norms of society. Long ago they founded the textbook that will dictate what is acceptably "normal" to the civilization at large.  For most of the time that man has been doing this they have also branded the things that they encounter and could not understand as "abnormal." Only a handful of individuals would spend time understan

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Feet First –12-Step Guide to Foot Relief

Books by Nishant Baxi

Watching Your Baby’s First Step

Parents of newborn babies won’t be able to hide their excitement when they see their child trying to carry out his/her first step ever. Babies trying to walk are a good indication that their bodies and mind are developing at a normal rate.

Some parents might become worried if they see that other baby learning how to walk sooner than their kids. That could happen. Children have their calendars as t

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Learning About LASIK

Books by Nishant Baxi

Eye surgeries that involve incisions in the cornea began as early as the latter part of the 1890s but it was largely experimental during those times. The success of eye surgeries took place after fifty more years after the time it started.

During World War II, the Japanese began conducting experimental surgeries in correcting myopia among Asians. Back then, the procedure entailed a series of corneal incisions for flattening to be done. As the eye und

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Conquering Cellulite

Books by Nishant Baxi

In our never-ending search for the elusive "Fountain of Youth," nothing strikes a chord like the term "cellulite."  Interestingly, the term "cellulite" was first introduced to us by a fashion magazine.  That fact is sufficient to generate speculation among opposing sides to this controversial subject.

We endeavor to present an overview of the facts surrounding “cellulite” with an eye toward education.  We make no recommendati

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For The Love Of Cats

Books by Nishant Baxi

Are you a new cat owner?  If so, there will come a point in time when your cat becomes “just like one of the kids.”  However, until that time arrives, it is up to you to understand
 your cat and the small signals that he or she may be sharing with you.

As important as it is to hear that it will be your responsibility to understand your cat and decipher the signals that he or she may be sending you, you may be

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Overall Health

Books by Nishant Baxi

Drawing in ourselves in physical exercises is imperative paying little heed to our age and status in life. This is on account of remaining sound needn't bother with a prerequisite to have the capacity to begin. Practicing every day will enable us to enhance our general well-being and decrease the danger of any sickness. There are a couple of eminent advantages if you take part in physical exercise. 

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How To Overcome Alcoholism

Books by Nishant Baxi

Alcoholism: Addictive Disease? 

Alcoholism is a severe form of alcohol dependence characterized by the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms once the alcohol-drinking habit has been curtailed. The person suffering from alcoholism will experience excessive sweating, severe discomfort, restlessness, etc. In turn, all these will trigger a set of emotional and mental withdrawal indicators which are direct responses to the absence of regular doses of alc

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Guide To Juicing

Books by Nishant Baxi

Juice is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Every year, customers spend millions of dollars on buying canned or bottled juice from the supermarket. These people are unaware of the better quality and price that you get when you begin juicing fruits and vegetables yourself. This e-book contains tips and tricks for anything relating to juicing.

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Effective Copywriting Handbook

Books by Nishant Baxi

Have you heard of the term: “Copywriting”?  Wikipedia defined

 it as: 

“Copywriting is the use of words and ideas to promote a person, business, opinion, or idea. Although the word copy may be applied to any content intended for printing (as in the body of a newspaper article or book), the term copywriter is generally limited to promotional situations, regardless of the medium (as in advertisements for print, te

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Web Video For Businesses

Books by Nishant Baxi

Depending on what your audio-visual sales concept is, you may or may not use the information in this chapter.  But many of the best audio-visual concepts do involve video recording, even if it's just a quick product demonstration or a testimonial clip tucked into the midsection of your sales page.  So even if you don't think you'll use this information with your current page, it's not a bad idea to quickly browse this information anyway.  If not

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100 Weight Loss Tips

Books by Nishant Baxi

There was also a time when the thought of losing weight didn't even occur in our society, people ate what mom cooked for dinner and they went to work.  The difference between that society and today's society is that work was not behind a computer screen, but on their feet in the fields or on a warehouse floor.  People worked physically because that was the only way to work that's why it was called work!  It was often during this time that people

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Unlock Your Mind Power

Books by Nishant Baxi

The suppressed mind has secreted attainments below its unconscious essential. Soul learning is an alternation of tactics we can employ to call up that fortuitous online mail below the surface. We have collectible parts of our history at the bottom of the pinned consciousness or subconscious mind. Now, if we learn some practice to use instate letters to our advantage, perhaps we can run through the mind to envelop awareness.

We have close online corre

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Facebook Marketing Training Guide

Books by Nishant Baxi

Facebook is a massive traffic monster. As of this writing, it has over 1.3 billion, and that's with a capital B, daily active users.

Think about that, over 1.3 billion people use the same website day

after day. On top of this, it continues to grow.

Also, when people are on Facebook, they pretty much stay there, and they view page after page of content. In fact, on a month-to-month basis, Facebook has slightly over 2 billion mo

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Muscle Building Mania

Books by Nishant Baxi

This book is an exploration.  We will explore the fascinating history of bodybuilding, which can be traced as far back as the 11th Century, up to the 19th Century when it arrived on the North American scene.

We will explore how to build your body and muscles, bodybuilding and weight lifting equipment, the "right" and the "dark" side of dietary supplements as well as the importance of proper nutrition for the serious bodybuilder.

No discuss

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177 Ways To Reduce And Burn Calories

Books by Nishant Baxi

If you struggle with weight gain it's a good bet that you have tried at least one of the "fad" diets that crop up regularly.

The truth is that some of these diets may grant you temporary weight loss.  In the usual case, however, the weight returns as soon as you stray from the diet.

The bottom line is that you gain weight because you consume more calories than your body can use and no diet is a substitute for good eating habits.

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Success In Business

Books by Nishant Baxi

Getting Organized

When you have an internet marketing business the worst thing that you can do is to treat that business as a hobby. People who treat it as a hobby will never be very successful. You have to take your internet marketing business or any business for that matter very seriously. This means that you have to work hard to make it successful. You can work whenever you want to but you will have to work at it.

No one can make your bu

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Better Blogging

Books by Nishant Baxi

Blog Platforms:  An Introduction

Setting up your blog will require a little research and review; you'll need to consider the factors of cost, the time and skills you currently have, and your readiness to learn some new software.  Almost all blog software is very easy to use and offers a variety of plug-ins and other resources to make yours unique.  You don't necessarily need to hire a professional or specialist to start publis

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Creating Residual Income Opportunities in Real Estate

Books by Nishant Baxi

Are you interested in making money through real estate investments?  It’s not just for big business tycoons and multi-millionaires. Today’s real estate investor could be any average, middle-class person. 

The key to generating more net worth for yourself is by establishing residual income.  Your net worth is the total of all of your assets, minus your liabilities. Residual income is money that comes to you monthly on an ongoi

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Profiting From Facebook Ads

Books by Nishant Baxi

Assuming that you consider yourself a savvy internet user then you must be quite conversant with the social media sensation that is Facebook. That being said, I am sure that you, like any reasonable person, hate it when that annoying ad pops up when you are watching that funny video of a cat playing the piano. I am also sure that you have often thought to yourself how much of a waste of time this business is right after you skip the ad.

Well, sorry to

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Google Adsense For Blog Monetization

Books by Nishant Baxi

AdSense is Google's program that allows you to sell space on your website to host other people's advertisements.  Hosting AdSense ads on your website or blog is completely 100% free to you as the host and a great way to earn some money. 

How do you earn money with Google's AdSense?  Simple, every time someone clicks on an AdSense ad on your blog Google pays you.  Someone clicking on your ad is called "click-through."  Your vi

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Traveling to Europe: What Every American Should Know

Books by Nishant Baxi

The Joys of Traveling to Europe 
Europe: the dream destination for millions of Americans each year. Whether you first dreamt of castles (and there are so many) as a child, or whether your interest is in the history and beauty of the countries, you cannot help but be enchanted by the glory and the diversity of Europe’s countries.  

Today, what we think of as Europe is a group of countries that are either members of the E

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Think Big and Grow Rich in The Digital Age

Books by Nishant Baxi

Obtaining Information
There is a radical change in which we are obtaining information today. The number of options for obtaining information has increased, but what is most interesting is that the number of ways in which we can harness this information has also increased by leaps and bounds.

Today there is so much we can do with the information we get and we can get it from so many places that our options have become almost endless.

But, to

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Easy Product Creation

Books by Nishant Baxi

The Internet opens up great money-making opportunities just waiting to be tapped. These days, it is far easier to generate money from skills and ideas with a powerful platform that can allow you to penetrate the global market – all without the need to leave the comforts of your home office. 

If you are enamored with the idea of becoming an entrepreneur, or maybe you are already one, how about becoming an ‘infopreneur' and gaining fin

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Making A Feature Film

Books by Nishant Baxi

Making Your First Feature Film, For Reel – Of course, a lot of individuals go belly up assembling a film that winds up looking as awkward as you feel. This doesn't need to happen. Figure out how to spend as meager cash as could be expected under the circumstances and set up together your directorial début with subsidizing and support from industry experts. This famously hard-to-enter profession decision doesn't need to be unimaginable. Take after

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Overcoming Agoraphobia

Books by Nishant Baxi

Each one of us is afraid of something. Some people are scared of spiders, while others feel uncomfortable in an enclosed space. Agoraphobia is best described as an anxiety disorder precipitated by the fear of having a panic attack in a setting from which there are no easy means of escape. People who have this problem don't want to be seen in public or go to unfamiliar places. In severe cases, individuals will confine themselves to their homes since they see th

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Your Basic Guide to Acing ANY Job Interview

Books by Nishant Baxi

Sooner or later, everyone must face the daunting task of interviewing for a job. Whether it’s for just a job to keep your bills paid, or if it’s the dream job you’ve always wanted, there are many things that you have to remember before you can get that job that you so desire.

Most people assume that the most important part of a job interview is showing up well-groomed, but there is more to it than that. Everything that you could eve

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Alternative Medicine

Books by Nishant Baxi

Traditionally, the first response for Americans to any type of medical issue is conventional medicine.  There is, however, another option. Alternative medicine is sometimes considered the oldest medicine in the world.

Alternative medicine envelops the concept of seeking out non-traditional ways to deal with day-to-day health issues. This type of medicine looks beyond taking medication.

People look to use alternative medicine for two main r

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Tips for Sprucing up your Home

Books by Nishant Baxi

Has the thought of selling your home shortly crossed your mind? If so, it is a good idea to review how your home might appear to a prospective buyer. 

It is no secret that a well-maintained, clean and appealing home has a far better chance of selling, at a higher price and more quickly than a home that could use some work and attention.

Keep in mind that first impressions always create lasting impressions. Nothing could be further from

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Advanced SEO Techniques

Books by Nishant Baxi

This eBook is a hard-hitting guide that gives you 

the information you need to make the adjustments 

to your site right away to help improve your search 

rankings and benefit from the increase in organic 

search traffic. Search Engine Optimization or SEO 

is simply the act of manipulating the pages of your 

website to be easily accessible by search engine 

spiders so the

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An Introduction To Book Publishing

Books by Nishant Baxi

Inside this book, you will discover the topics about approaching book publishers: The importance of creating a system, book publishing scams: What are they and how to avoid them, and ebooks: A great alternative to print. Common mistakes you want to avoid, how to find a literary agent, the easiest ways to find publishers, what you need to know about literary agents, how to find book publishers, important steps to getting a book published, questions to ask publi

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Guide To Spinning And Weaving

Books by Nishant Baxi

Inside this book, you will discover topics about advanced spinning

techniques, all about spinning wheels, all about the fabric weave, the history of weaving, how to choose the best spinning wheel, how to make your spindle wheel, spinning and weaving, spinning and weaving techniques, the different kinds of the wheel, the drop spindle, the good drop spindle, the secrets of spinning and the spinning wheel and so much more!

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Best Marketing Strategies

Books by Nishant Baxi

Inside this book, you will discover the topics about whether are you already marketing on the internet, creating email lists for marketing campaigns, evaluating the response to your internet marketing,
hiring a consultant for internet marketing for beginners, internet marketing the easy way, internet marketing with an e-newsletter, is internet marketing working for you, knowing your audience when marketing online, learning about internet marketing, marketi

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Understanding Payday Loans

Books by Nishant Baxi

Inside this book, you will discover topics about bad credit payday loans, emergency help – payday loans, getting instant cash from payday loans, getting the needed assistance from payday loans, guidelines on starting a payday business loan, important payday loans, online payday loans, payday loan facts, payday loans – no faxing, payday loans – pros & cons, payday loans – borrowing money with bad credit, payday loans – immediately

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All About NLP

Books by Nishant Baxi

The NLP system provides for the circumstances to develop individual excellence levels while also establishing the empowering belief of a particular system.

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Guide To Family Financial Planning

Books by Nishant Baxi

Family budgeting is very different from the budget requirements of a couple. The needs of a family unit differ greatly from that of a couple without the commitment of having children. Get all the info you need here.

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Beginner Body Building

Books by Nishant Baxi

Some Important Things You Need To Know Before Getting Into Bodybuilding.

So do you have what it takes to become a bodybuilding champion? Have you dreamt of swaggering down the podium with a trophy clutched in your hands as you flex your muscles for everyone to see?

Well for those individuals who believe that they were born to become a bodybuilder. Here are a few things they need to know before following their dreams.

What it takes to be

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Guide To Scrum

Books by Nishant Baxi

This book is devoted to Quickscrum.

Quickscrum is one of the agile work management software available in the market and offers tools to help the teams streamline the process, enforce best practices, and enhance communication between teams.
Daily Stand-Up

In Scrum, on each day of a sprint, the team holds a daily Scrum meeting called the "Daily Scrum." Meetings are typically held in the same location and at the same time each day. Ideally, th

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Basic Survival Guide

Books by Nishant Baxi

Disasters: Why No one's 100% Safe

This is common knowledge--that disaster is everywhere.  It's in the streets, it's inside your campuses, and it can even be found inside your home.  The question is not whether we are safe (because no one is THAT secure anymore) but whether we can do something to lessen the odds of ever becoming a victim. 

First, what is a disaster, anyway?  By definition, a disaster is any catastrophe or

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Writing And Publishing Your Book

Books by Nishant Baxi

So You Want to Write a Book?

One of the best things that you can do to help grow your business and to position yourself as an expert in whatever field you may work in is to write your book.

The problem is writing a book can be hard even if you are a seasoned writer.

In this guide, we're going to talk about different ways that you can have your book completed by this time next month regardless of if you decide to write you

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Understanding Reiki

Books by Nishant Baxi

With all the stresses brought by the modern world, it is only common for people to look for alternatives in relieving their stress. Aside from resulting in medications and other treatments that give the promise of comfort and relaxation, people are now resulting to ancient means of relieving stress such as Reiki.

The Japanese word "Reiki" refers to a unique technique that is used for reducing stress. Ultimately used to relieve aches brought by too much

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Action Adventurer

Books by Nishant Baxi

The genres of video games had categorized the game on its mechanics including other details. Among these video game genres or categories, 2 well-known genres are most discussed. These are the Role Playing games and Action/Adventure games. They were around for a long period. Each of them has been working on game and plot mechanics, along with one's respective strengths.

But this time, people are becoming more indulged in adventure games. There are

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Introducing Personal Loans

Books by Nishant Baxi

Inside this book, you will discover topics about being a cosigner on a personal loan, books on personal loans, the collection process on personal loans, debt management for personal loans, educate yourself about personal loans loan collection officer, personal loan insurance, personal loan research, personal loan scams, personal loans for bad credit, personal loans vs. home equity loans, questions to ask lenders before committing to a personal loan and so much

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Recycling to Save the Earth

Books by Nishant Baxi

If you imagine that you are the special case who gets old, at that point, you better reconsider. Indeed, even Earth itself has its particular age and as the years pass by, this age includes influencing the world to become more seasoned and more established, gradually yet without a doubt. 

As one of the billions of individuals living in this world, one of your duties is to guarantee that regardless of the possibility that the Earth develops more

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Understanding Credit Card Debt

Books by Nishant Baxi

Inside this book, you will discover the topics about a problem called credit card debt after you pay off credit card debt, agency card credit debt settlement, bad debt credit card what is that, credit card debt consolidation loan, credit card debt counseling, credit card debt reduction, are consolidating credit card debt a good option, looking for a solution to your credit card debt problem, taking a step towards credit card debt elimination and so much more!<

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IT Essentials & Data Recovery For Online Businesses

Books by Nishant Baxi

When people hear the words "Information Technology," the first things that come to mind are computers and the Internet. It may also bring up words like "network," "intranet," "server," "firewall," and "security," as well as more arcane expressions such as "router," "T-1," "Ethernet," or the mysterious and exotic-sounding "VoIP" (pronounced "voyp").

Information technology is all of these things, and more. It's hardly new, however. Information technology

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Guide To Spiritual Empowerment

Books by Nishant Baxi

What is spiritual empowerment? What does it entail?

There are just too many questions relating to spiritual empowerment, which could well be one of the greatest enhancers of our life.

The most famous people in the world have attained various degrees of spiritual empowerment. The people whom the world follows today had the spirituality of the highest order.

This eBook is a humble attempt at taking you there.

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Energy Efficient Home

Books by Nishant Baxi

Inside this book, you will discover topics about don't spend too much on electricity, eco-friendly energy resources, energy audit saves a lot, energy consumption in houses, energy-saving tips, the fundamental importance of energy savings, the home rating is beneficial, house energy efficacy improvement tax, how you can efficiently use energy in mobile homes, making of house energy efficient, no-cost home energy saving remedies and so much more.

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Going Home: The Entrepreneurs Guide To Coping With The Family

Books by Nishant Baxi

After joyously supporting ourselves for the last couple of decades through our online businesses, our families still have no idea what we do. Seriously. We have tried to explain over and over, but somehow it just never quite sinks in.

We still show up at family events and are greeted with snarky comments like

"Really? I would have thought you would have gotten tired of that by now." or the lovely "I bought an ebook a while back. Total rip-

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Essential Guide to Data Recovery

Books by Nishant Baxi

At some point in time, everyone who owns a computer will experience the trials and tribulations of hard drive failure.  The reasons behind it vary and could include everything from 

human error to damages resulting from flood or water.  Viruses can play a role as well, along with many other factors.  For many years, the need to recover data that has been lost or destroyed has made data recovery such a very valuable asset.

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Cosmetic Surgery – Are You Ready?

Books by Nishant Baxi

More people than ever are considering the benefits and the results of plastic surgery. With the advancements in surgery and in the way the body can be shaped, it's hard not to resist the lure of the knife and what it can do for your body.

While 92% of all cosmetic surgery patients are women, men are becoming patients more often as well. Your appearance matters in the business world as well as in your personal life, so why not take steps to secure

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Let’s Go Camping

Books by Nishant Baxi

Camping is described by some as "being very close to nature" and "the next thing closest to Heaven". It takes away the hustle and bustle of city life and a much-needed break from the monotonous state that we face daily in life. Nobody would like to miss the chance of going camping and will grab the opportunity whether it is in their schooldays, scouts, or as a family. Camping also gives the opportunity of getting to know each other better and is the place wher

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Coffee Recipes

Books by Nishant Baxi

Now you can put some spice into your morning cup of coffee with 89 Coffee Recipes. Whether you like to drink it black, with milk, with cream, as an espresso, or any other variation, you can now make it happen with this ebook.

You can use 89 Coffee Recipes for a rainy day, when you fancy a different brew, or even to impress your family and friends.

89 Coffee Recipes included:

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Backlink Basics

Books by Nishant Baxi

Backlinks have always had some bearing on how well a site ranked in search engine result pages (SERPs). However, in the past, the algorithms were not designed to take into account people trying to cheat the system by loading up on backlinks from sites that had nothing but links on them, and no content of any real relevance. These sites quickly became known as "link farms" and were used by webmasters to increase the ranking of their multiple sites.

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Beginners Guide To Computer Forensics

Books by Nishant Baxi

Computers have radically changed the way we live our lives. Everyday living has become easier and technologically advanced decades ago. It has changed the way we work and the way we live in our houses. Children today are sometimes even more technologically aware than their parents. Mobile phones have gotten smaller and laptops have gotten slimmer.

With the launch of the iPhone that used touch screen technology, it will only be a matter of time before t

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Lowering Your Cholesterol

Books by Nishant Baxi

Cholesterol is a very familiar medical term almost to anyone, particularly the middle age group. It is a common thing the world will never be a part of teenage lingo. The main reason is, most of the dreaded ailments accompanying "high cholesterol" levels are associated with hypertension, heart failure, diabetes, and other long-term and acquired conditions, which does not could also happen to the younger generation as juvenile complications. To make it clear, w

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Offshore Your Work Force

Books by Nishant Baxi

In any business, there is a balance between maintaining the staff and resources for an aggressive market strategy and economy.  So each hiring decision you make is important because each employee represents a cost to the company in terms of salary and benefits.  To maintain predictability in your costs from year to year, you really cannot have the staff of anyone department swells and shrink on a project-by-project basis.

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Planning For A St. Thomas Vacation

Books by Nishant Baxi

The Caribbean is a vastly popular location for vacationers all over the world. The temperate and warm climate throughout the region and tropical backdrops among the islands attract visitors from all walks of life. The Bahamas and Jamaica are among the most well-known vacation destinations but if you've ever been on a trip to either of those places you can expect to be knee-deep in other tourists and guided around on "educational" tours that show you a tiny sli

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Work At Home Options – Auctions

Books by Nishant Baxi

Now that you're all set up to sell, you need to find the product to sell.  This generally takes place in 3 basic steps:

Research the market segment you're interested in

Find manufacturers or wholesalers that can reliably drop ship products for you

Select a few suitable products to sell that conform to your selected niche market

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A Beginners Guide To Day Spas

Books by Nishant Baxi

There are many ways to achieve relaxation, health, healing, and peace. The path satisfactory for one individual may not be suitable for another. The spa experience, in its many forms and types, is one route toward achieving many of your goals. The day spa provides you with the chance to get away from a world in which the best way to describe the pace of life is "frenzied."
Day spas provide an uplifting, healing,

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Online Legal Protection

Books by Nishant Baxi

From the moment you first connected to the Internet, you have probably been told that you need to use security measures to protect yourself. This is something that all Internet users face all of the time. There is a great deal more to protection for Internet Marketers, however.

Internet Marketers need more protection than the average user simply because they have more to protect, and of course, they have more at stake. The average user may use their pe

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Sports Medicine

Books by Nishant Baxi

Sports medicine is a relatively new field or subsection of medicine. Although it has solid roots in the past, its existence is very much a part of the history of the 20th and 21st centuries. Sports medicine is a growing field of employment due to the explosive expansion in sports and athletic activities. Not only are there traditional high school, professional and amateur sports, but there are also "extreme" sports.

With every athletic event, there is

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Your Own Online Magazine!

Books by Nishant Baxi

Creating Knock-Out Titles

Now that you understand the importance of researching keywords and how to do it, we'll begin to get started creating knock-out titles. The first rule of thumb is that the first three to five words in the title carry the most weight with the search engines. They will determine the success of your article for the most part. So, it's important that they contain some of the keywords and also some powerful words to the interest of

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Forex Fortunes Guide

Books by Nishant Baxi

This book aims to give readers a concise review of Forex markets from the methods through which dealers can build up the correct mentality when trading, how to exchange on the Forex advertise, why passionate administration is basic to effectively trade on the Forex showcase, to talking about a portion of the positive qualities a decent Forex merchant should groups. These parts of Forex trading will be talked about inside and out in alternate sections that take

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Offline Marketing

Books by Nishant Baxi

If you already have an online business or if you are considering starting an online business, you may be under the impression that your marketing efforts will be based solely online. After all, you have a business that is online and where is a better way to market it than through the internet?

This is one of the most common mistakes that people make when they have any business. They choose a marketing plan and stick with it, not thinking about the big

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How To Start Your Own Daycare Business

Books by Nishant Baxi

The daycare industry is a thriving one. This is one industry that the recent economic downturn has been very kind to. More stay-at-home moms have entered the workplace to help make ends meet, so more children have entered daycare than ever before. Running a daycare can be a smart career choice since it's a business that will always be in demand. In fact, in areas where there are few daycares, many have a waiting list for openings.

This doesn't mean, ho

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Books by Nishant Baxi

A home business is a way the world is going to go shortly. Gone are the days when people slaved over their office desks. This is the age where the concept of career liberalization is going to gain root.

Are you going to be a part of it as early as you can or are you going to wait and watch till everyone has tried it out first?

The ideal way is to get into this as soon as possible and make a name for yourself in the home business genre as soon a

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