Darshika Morey


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Miraculous Pens

Books by Vartika Srivastava

"Miraculous Pens" is a captivating collection of poems that takes readers on a journey through the vivid landscapes of human emotions and experiences. With lyrical elegance and profound insight, this book weaves together verses that explore love, hope, loss, and the intricate tapestry of life. Each poem is a testament to the power of words, painting pictures with phrases and evoking emotions with every stanza. "Miraculous Pens" is a poetic masterpiece that wil

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Rusty Pages

Books by Vartika Srivastava & Deepaxi Raj Rahi

Rusty Pages is a collection of some excellent articles and poems written by various authors. 'Old Memories' is the primary theme of the anthology, much as old pages and letters get rusty over time. Through poetry and stories, people have remembered and communicated their emotions and recollections. It's a treat for readers to become lost in the world created by co-authors.

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Dressed in Blood

Books by Rose Mallick And Sukhmandy Jolly

"Without goosebumps there's no taste of horror."

Dressed In Blood is a literary collection that gives chills to your spine. An excellent bunch of crime poems, ghost poems, mysterious pieces to give you the taste of ultimate horror and thrill.

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The Laconic Tales

Books by Sushree Sneha Das & Mehak Bhartiya

The Laconic Tales is a collection of imaginary expressions and thoughts of co-authors part of this book from all over India. Readers will travel their memory lane will remember their past love, memories, events and grow from their heartbreaks, failures by understanding life and calming their lonely souls when reading this book. 

This Book have separate Engish and Hindi section each containing wonderful poems.

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Lustre of Emotions

Books by Vartika Srivastava & Amrita Mohanan Nair

Lustre of Emotions is a book with the combination of different write-ups, with different emotional and fantastic virtues. 

It is a great combination of poetry, quotes and tales that are luminous and all co- authors have tried their best to spread this light of sparkling emotions in your lives through their amazing and lustrous writings.

This book will definitely bring a ray of shining light in your hours of distress and your gloomy days wi

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Drunkler Ritter vs Helle Wut

Books by Rajvi Shah

This book have a comparison between day time as well as the night time. It states the differences between our dark sides of life we have at different time and brighter side. How both times function and have significance is depicted by each author here. The motive of this book is one should not stay in darkness but see the shine that's coming. Also, if there's light but suddenly it switches off we should be able to glow up.

यह ५० प्यार

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Books by Aishwarya Tripathi & Nikhil Jain

As the name "Lucid" itself means which is clearly expressed and easy to understand, so is this book. This book is an amazing collection of beautiful literary artworks by miscellany writers. This book is an amalgamation of vivid feelings of our nifty writers, the content varies from friendship to love, from nature to motivation, from day to last hope, from face to mirror and many more. This is not just an anthology or a book but a collection of feelings of logo

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Books by दर्शिका मोरे, श्रेया भट & अंजली शर्मा

यह पुस्तक जीवन के चारों ओर घूमने वाले विभिन्न विषयों की कविताओं का संग्रह हैं। इसमें जीवन के विभिन्न रंगों को शामिल किया गया हैं जो हमारे भीतर छिपे हुए हैं। यह पुस्तक विशेष रूप स

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End of Stories

Books by Darshika Morey & Kamu Pillai

The "End of Stories" not only portrays tales of life but also an ordeal. 

When we refute the tale, it interprets us. When we accept the anecdote we can write a brave new climax.

Life's but a walking shadow & a poor player but itself has the most wonderful recalls too.

Everyone has a story to tell maybe many are all about you; many people think excitement is happiness but when you are excited you are not peaceful. True happiness is

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ला मेमॉय

Books by ऐश्वर्या त्रिपाठी & संजीत साठे

इस किताब के हर एक पन्ने पर किसी ने किसी की यादों को सजाया हुआ हैं। कुछ ने हसी के पल, कुछ ने गमों के, कुछ ने अपनो के और कुछ ने सपनों के। हर किसी की यादें एक प्रेरणा भी हैं और घोषणा भी, इ

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La mémoire

Books by Aishwarya Tripathi & Sanjeet Sathe

As time passes by, each moment turns into memory. These little memories last for lifetime. Every memory has a story. This book brings to you poems based on memories that you can relate to.  It’s a miscellany of different emotions and feelings. This anthology will take you on a journey back to those special moments of your life.

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Poetic Muse

Books by Darshika Morey, Shreya Bhatt & Vijayamalathi Mani

This book is a collection of poems of various themes all revolving around the life may it be practical, imaginary, fiction, emotions, fun, happiness, motivation, inspiration, etc. It consists of various shades of life from non-living to living things and have euneirophrenia connection within ourselves hidden and creating mystery of the soul. This book especially evokes about the feeling or emotions & facts that the already in and the lovely bond of creativity

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Their Blessed Shade

Books by Smriti Trivedy & Riddhi Gupta

Their Blessed Shade is a collection of poems, short tales and quotations where the magic touch of grandparents are brought forth to us. The shade of their hands- their blessings are like protective shield which safeguards us from all the pessimistic thoughts and events of the life. Their shade is always blessed with the beautiful flowers of happiness and joyfulness. With this book let us witness the auspicious, immeasurable and selfless love of the grandparent

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Books by Sneha Agrawal & Avantika Agrawal

This book is a collection of a poems, quotes and short stories. It recollects many anecdotes and stories from childhood, time at college, and different phases of life. This is an anthology which holds emotions, tears, love, respect, feelings childhood, travelling, and many more life experiences.

“JOURNEY- It starts from a definite point but it never comes to an end.” 

So, in this Anthology, our amazing co-authors had beautifull

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The Mystic Beauty of Love

Books by Nikhil Jain & Chandni Jha

When we love someone, we start coming closer to that mysterious power i.e. God. If there is true love for a person, if there is faith in that love, there is devotion, there is renunciation, that love has the power to connect man to God. Often people complain that love takes tests, but can God be found without doing penance? The difficulties that come in the path of love are penance. This penance purifies the mind. And that is the mystic beauty of love. The Mys

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Unavez Promise, Hipocresia Ser Roto

Books by Rajvi Shah

Unavez Promise, Hipocresia Ser Roto is a collection of beautiful poems of authors across the world. This book has English poetries all about promises which cannot be broken, once taken. Each writer has written through various perspective according to promise of friendship, father's promise giving or taking, mother's promise, promise to love and many more. You will know about how word ‘Promise’ itself lay power to build trust in other person. We bli

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दी मिस्टिक बियुटि ऑफ लव

Books by निखिल जैन & चांदनी झा

एक व्यक्ति से अगर सच्चा प्रेम हो, उस प्रेम में श्रद्धा हो, भक्ति हो, त्याग हो, तो वह प्रेम मनुष्य को ईश्वर से जोड़ने की ताकत रखता है। अक्सर लोग शिकायत करते हैं, कि प्रेम परीक्षाएं ले

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उनकी धन्य छाया

Books by स्मृति त्रिवेदी & ऋद्धी गुप्ता

छाया वो स्थान है जो हमें ग्रीष्म, वर्षा और शीत के प्रकोप से बचने के लिए आश्रय देता हैं। कड़कड़ाते धूप के असह्य ताप में छाया ही वह सुकून का दरिया होता है जो हमारी सहायता करता है। कु

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Books by कनिष्का महता & प्रतीक रोहतगी

चाहतें एक ऐसी किताब है जहाँ प्रत्येक लेखक लेखिकाओं ने अपनी अपनी चाहत बताई है। ऐसी चाहत जो शायद किसी को ना बता पाए वो। किसी की चाहत कुछ बनने की है, तो किसी की चाहत किसी का सपना पूरा क

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प्यार- एक अनोखा एहसास

Books by अनुष्ठी सिंह & दर्शिका मोरे

एक ऐसी किताब जहां मौका दिया गया है प्रत्येक लेखक को उनके मन की भावना को कविता के शब्दों के रूप में संजोने का। जिससे वे अपने जीवन के चंद पलों को दुनिया के समक्ष विस्तृत रूप में प्रस

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Relationship Hues- Love vs Lust

Books by Nikhil Jain & Anika Jain

Relationship Hues- Love vs Lust is a collection of point of views on the most confusing topic that is love in lust or lust in love. Even in this modern time lust is taking as a disgraceful topic as no one want to talk about it but people confused between love and lust.

So, here we are with a bundle of some interesting poems to show the reality of modern love through some poems of amazing composition, some depicting love, some lust and some difference o

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रिलेशनशिप हिउज़

Books by निखिल जैन & अनिका जैन

तन का आकर्षण, मन की अभिव्यक्ति, शारीरिक संतुष्टि या मानसिक शांति, वास्तव में प्रेम कुछ भी नहीं। किसी को पाना या किसी का हो जाना, महज़ यही अंतर है प्रेम और वासना के मध्य का। प्रेम मन

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प्यार या अनकहे जज़्बात

Books by प्रज्ञा प्रमिता & अवंतिका अग्रवाल

जिंदगी के कुछ खास और दर्द भरे हिस्सों को हम सबने मेहसूस किया होगा। यह एहसास कई बार दिल के कमरों में बंद रह जाता है, तो कई बार किसी डायरी के पन्नों में छुपा रह जाता है। चाहे मंजिल को

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Exploring The Paradise- Vol. 2

Books by Kruthigayini K G & Darshika Morey

Experience always gets more value than Explanations!!!

Reviews are Explained Experiences that helps us to make choices better and better, thus fulfilling our expectations among plenty of books available with varieties being boundless.

Book your time now, 

With your favourite kind of book, 

By having a look, 

At this review filled book

 "Exploring the Paradise" 

Reviews by some v

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Exploring The Paradise- Vol. 1

Books by Kruthigayini K G & Darshika Morey

Experience always gets more value than Explanations!!! Reviews are Explained Experiences, that helps us to make choices better and better, thus fulfilling our expectations. Among plenty of books available, with varieties being boundless, 

Book your time now, 

With your favourite kind of book, 

By having a look, 

At this review filled book

 "Exploring the Paradise"

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Books by अक्शथा आर. नादिग & दर्शिका मोरे

जीवन इंद्रधनुष के जैसे सभी अलग-अलग रंगों से बना है, कुछ नीले और काले दिनों से भरे हुए हैं, कुछ दिन पीले और लाल जैसे उज्ज्वल हैं, कुछ दिन नारंगी और हरे रंग को दर्शाते हुए उत्साह से भर

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Books by Akshatha R Nadig & Darshika Morey

Life is made up of all different shades of Rainbow, some are filled with blue and black days, some days are as bright as yellow and red, some days are full of excitement depicting orange and green is when life flourishes beautifully.

This Anthology is full of quotes, poems and short stories by amazing writers who have written about life's colourful shades.

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Positive '20

Books by Darshika Morey & Shreya Bhatt

2020, a year of all odds…we faced one of the biggest disaster, ‘Corona Virus Outbreak’. We experienced several new terms and lived with it- lockdown, quarantine, these words got added to our dictionaries. Many lost lives, many survived, still the danger is lurking around. In this advance age of science, a Virus created havoc and the cure…we are still about to find.

In spite of all these things many among us managed or tried to

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Books by Saptamita Dutta, Nikhil Jain & Chandni Jha

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Flying Colours

Books by Sai Sravanthi & Darshika Morey

Flying Colours Anthology is a collection of colourful thoughts, feelings, struggles & experiences of our amazing writers which they have expressed through their beautifully articulated words in the form of quotes & few poems.This is not only an anthology; it is a collection of colourful words, some will inspire you, some will let you think more deep & give you a glimpse of colours of life flying in the air.

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स्वीट & सॉल्टी

Books by आयुषी गुप्ता & दर्शिका मोरे

“स्वीट & सॉल्टी” एन्थोलॉजी जीवन की यादों के बारे में है। हमारे अद्भुत लेखकों ने अपने लेखन में जीवन के मधुर और नमकीन क्षणों और अनुभवों को जोड़ा है। जब आप भी यहाँ सभी सुंदर कवि

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Sweet & Salty

Books by Ayushi Gupta & Darshika Morey

“Sweet and Salty” Anthology is about memories of life. Our amazing writers have added an essence of sweet and salty moments of life in their writings. When you will too read all beautiful poems here, you will remember many of your memories of life, which will recall a sweet and salty experience.

This is not only an Anthology, it's a journey to life's Sweet & Salty Memories of Life.

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Books by निखिल जैन & पूजा गौतम

“माँ” एक ऐसा शब्द है जो हमारे हृदयतल से जुड़ा हुआ है, हमारे जीवन का आधार है और जिसे परिवार का स्तंभ माना गया है। इनके वात्सल्य से कोई भी अछूता नहीं। कहते है शिशु की पहली शिक्षक म

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रूहानी बातें

Books by चांदनी झा & निखिल जैन

खुद को व्यक्त करना एक कला है, पर क्या हर कोई एक कलाकार है? जब हम अपने भावनाओं को व्यक्त करने की कोशिश करते हैं तब रूहानी बातों का सृजन होता है। जो बाते वक्ता हृदय से निकलती हैं वहीं

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Poetic Bliss

Books by Kashish Soni

When words dance on the rhythm of rhymes, it becomes a poem. Poems are the means of one's happiness, it even works as a mood changer. Every poet tries to spread positivity and smile through poems and so does this anthology.

This anthology contains 75 poems written by 75 amazing writers. All the poems of this anthology will surely add bliss to your feelings.

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Books by Nikhil Jain & Arshia Biswal

We all lived moments, moments that are beautiful, amazing, unforgettable, sweet, bad, special, heart breaking and many more. But there is that one special moment we loved or hated the most, or that is close to our heart or that changed our life or us completely.

In this Anthology, our writers have shared their unforgettable moments that they lived and by reading this book, you will surely relive one of your own.

This is not only an Anthology, i

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Rainbow Bubbles

Books by Darshika Morey

Happiness is not in anyone or anything, it’s a state of mind. It’s in the beautiful moments we spend with our loved ones- our family, friends, with our self, with the special ones. 

Rainbow Bubbles is one such Anthology filled with write-ups from 51 writers who shared their colourful moments in the form of amazing poems. Whatever your state of mind was before doesn’t matter, after reading this Anthology, it will shift to a happy

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Books by Anshika

Inaayat is not only an anthology, it is collection of beautiful thoughts by different writers on different themes...... Each Poem in this book expresses a different message, tells a different story, or just proves one point- How Blessed We Are. This book contains writings of different sizes and of different genres like Empowerment, Romance, Fantasy, etc. Each and every poem in this book is unique in itself.

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Books by अंशिका

इनायत  केवल एक पुस्तक नहीं है, यह अलग-अलग विषयों पर अलग-अलग लेखकों द्वारा सुंदर विचारों का संग्रह है... इस पुस्तक में प्रत्येक कविता एक अलग संदेश व्यक्त करती है, एक अलग कहानी बतात

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Counting Stars

Books by Kamu Pillai & Darshika Morey

Counting stars means that Money can't buy happiness, if everybody else talks about love, lust, and money, then somebody's going to be talking about life, faith, hope, and things of that nature.

Remember, "Next time when you count the things you love don't forget that you are one of them."

This Anthology portrays all the above written things & precious star like poems, short stories by writers & compilers which will tell the real meaning of Coun

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Books by निखिल जैन & सुमन कुमार

कोरोना काल के बाद जीवन में काफी परिवर्तन आये परन्तु एकमात्र प्रकृति ने बदलाव की चरम सीमाओं को महसूस किया, प्रकृति ने स्वयं को सहेजा, संवारा और निखारा। ये सब देख हमारे मन में विचा

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Mirage 'n Oasis

Books by Rohan Nath & Nidhi Shukla

Our life is like a desert, where in we are lost between different materialistic desires... And we don't know how to quench our thirst for happiness - peace... In this search we are often allured by many sense objects which like a mirage, promise us peace and happiness but deliver nothing...  And divert us from the path of oasis (ultimate destination)...

This anthology is collection of such poems as well as quotes which shows coauthor’s quest

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मिराज एन ऒएसिस

Books by रोहन नाथ & निधि शुक्ला

हमारा जीवन एक रेगिस्तान की तरह है, जहां हम विभिन्न भौतिकवादी इच्छाओं के बीच खो जाते हैं... और हम नहीं जानते कि कैसे सुख - शांति की हमारी प्यास बुझाई जाए...इस खोज में हम अक्सर कई समझदार

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Magic Hourglass

Books by Darshika Morey

Magic Hourglass is a book like an hourglass full of magical poems & tales by our 21 amazing writers. 

Magic exists everywhere whether we believe or not, there is magic which governs the whole universe. Magic may or may not be something supernatural, it is there simply in growing of a living being or a relation which grows and transforms, it exists in faith, hope, compassion and love which beautifies the existence of life.

The tales and poe

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Spring Time

Books by Shikha Mahato & Darshika Morey

Spring Time is a pocket full of 30 poems by amazing writers including the compilers. The poems here are based on the beautiful creations of nature like Rainbow, Sunshine, Dewdrops, Seasons and many more which are inspiring, alluring and fresh like Spring Time and will bring a new blossom to your way of perceiving life, thinking and will leave you enthralling the beauty of Nature and it's teachings. This is not merely an Anthology it's a collaborations of poems

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A Love's Souvenir

By Darshika Morey in Poetry | Reads: 297 | Likes: 5

I painted you with that gesture today,  I think you remember the day when you pulled me closer, the day when we were in the classroom behind the door, we were all alone in the room on the third floor. You were excited yet scared, your raising heartbeats witnessed it, as you were adorning my hesitat  Read More...

Published on Feb 13,2021 04:49 PM

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