

Twisted Anecdotes

Books by Chhaya Fulsunge

“Twisted Anecdotes” is a collection of eleven short and micro-stories.
Multiple stories in one book that we observe in our day-to-day life. The Stories close to your heart and with which you can feel connected. Stories that make you think, “Why?”

Stories that make you see the world differently. The Stories where you will have an opinion of your own. They all are highlighting social issues differently. The Stories that will n

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Mesmerizing World of Short Stories

Books by Chhaya Fulsunge

A book with multiple stories and not just one. Each story is unique from others. The characters of each story have their own saga to narrate. A book with a collection of seven stories will take you into a different world.

Experience Love, Trust, Friendship, Family bonds in a single book.

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