Reshma Selvaraj


Reshma Selvaraj was born and brought up in Tamil Nadu, a southern state of India. From her childhood, she had a dream of becoming a writer. Once she graduated with a degree in English literature, she decided to work for it, and so she wrote her first book 'I have an interview tomorrow." This is a short story of a disabled graduate who is deprived of employment. It covers various hardships that a disabled girl has to undergo in India. If you are a person with a dream in your heart, this is the book for you. It will make you follow your dream. And now, she has written her second book 'Aval Oru MRead More...


அவள் ஒரு மரம்

Books by ரேஷ்மா செல்வராஜ்

மேற்குத் தொடர்ச்சி மலைவாழ் மரமொருத்தி மேலிருக்கும் கதிரவனைக் காதலிக்கிறாள். அவள் வாழும் காட்டில் மனிதர்கள் ஒரு இரயில் பாதை அமைக்க உள்ளனர். தான் விரைவில் இறக்கவிருப்பதை

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