BRI Publication

Writer , Compiler, Social Activist.....Roque Jessica has great passion for writing and pursuing Masters in Social Work. She knew the budding writters face difficulty in publishing their writeup in paid anthology,so she help those writers offering fre
Writer , Compiler, Social Activist.....Roque Jessica has great passion for writing and pursuing Masters in Social Work. She knew the budding writters face difficulty in publishing their writeup in paid anthology,so she help those writers offering fre


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Forbidden Feelings

Books by Gesha Mary

 'Forbidden Feelings' is a delightful book that immerses readers in the beauty of verses and profound thoughts. This collection takes you on a journey through the stages of healing and the weight of unspoken words. With the aim of offering solace and kindling deep emotions, 'Forbidden Feelings' captures unexpressed sentiments and thoughts within its timeless verses. Don't miss the chance to own your copy of 'Forbidden Feelings,' featuring over 65 captivat

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மை சிந்தும் நிதர்சனம்

Books by ஆண்ரோஜ்

ரூக் ஜெசிக்கா அவர்கள் ஆண்ரோஜ் என்ற புனை பெயரில் வெளியிடும் முதல் புத்தகம்.
இப்புத்தகம் சிறுகதைகளின் தொகுப்பு ஆகும்.
சில மனிதர்களின் வாழ்வில் நிகழும் நிதர்சனமான நிகழ்வ

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ஊக்க சாரல்கள்

Books by சுபா ஸ்ரீ. பி

   அன்றாட வாழ்வின் அதிசயங்களை எடுத்துக் காட்டும் நூலிது. ஊக்கத்தை அடிப்படையாக கொண்டு எழுதப்பட்டது. நாட்காட்டிகள் நாட்களை நகர்த்திக் கொண்டிருக்கின்றன; சிந்தனை சிகரத்த

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DGMC Teacher

Books by Jinal Khakriya

Teaching is conceptual and intellectual, abstract and concrete, creative, and sequential. It‟s about people but framed through ideas. It‟s about content, hearts, minds, the past, the future–whatever we can imagine, teaching and learning are both causes and effects. With that in mind, we‟ve collected some of the more famous quotes about teaching, doing our best to include a wide range of perspectives, cultures, nationalities, races, spiritualities&n

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Good Bye Corona

Books by Dharsheni. S. T. S

Good Bye Corona is an Anthology featuring independent thoughts of writers on their experience with corona, it is a multi-lingual anthology that speaks about the positivity that one has to keep up at hard times.
"Let's pray it will be gone!
Good old days will be born"
                ~Dharsheni S. T. S

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The Shedding Pen

Books by Dharsheni. S. T. S

“THE SHEDDING PEN” title suggested by MISS.SIVARANJANI.B, meaning a pen with free-flowing thoughts and ideas. This is a tribute anthology to the participants of THE AUTHENTIC WRITERS CONTEST hosted by BLUE RED INK PUBLICATION. Unique works of 26 writers are featured in this anthology.

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Silence Lies Within Words

Books by Mohammed Niyaz And Ka. Parina Sri

Sometimes our heart wanted to let out so much stuff, Due to the heaviness of pain!
But due to the circumstance, we are pushed to remain silent! 
And that's when our silence lies within our words!

Our co-authors tried to let out the heaviness of their feelings by allowing their pen to flow on this book.

This book contains a variety of languages, in the form of Quotes and Poems!

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Why Should I

Books by Avantika Agrawal And Sneha Agrawal

“Why Should I’’ anthology is a collection of poems, short stories, articles and quotes penned by amazing writers. The co-authors have fabricated their feelings into words. Everyone who penned here is carrying a question in their mind and they are trying to find their answer.

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Mother's Love

Books by Bobby Sri A

“Mother’s Love”  is a collection of poems and quotes inked by amazing writers. The co-authors have fabricated their untold feelings for her Mother into words. Everyone fabricated their feelings beautifully. 

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Books by Dhruv Jain

The book "Feelings" is a collection of poems, stories, articles and quotes written by 25 amazing writers hailing from different parts of the world . The book talks about the inner feelings of human heart.
All the writers have woven their feelings and emotions breathtakingly 
This book has been compiled by Mr. Dhruv Jain Under the Blue Red Ink Publication.

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Books by Dharshini. M

'Sha' is an anthology that is entirely dedicated to my beloved one. This book is very special to me and it's close to my heart. Here in the book 25 co-authors beautifully shower their thoughts and emotions through their writings. I hope this book will surely rule in many hearts of the writers.

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Can Aqeeq Ever Die?

Books by Adeeba Fatima And Aayesha Khatoon

“Peace begins with a smile.” 
                 – Mother Teresa
The book "Can Aqeeq ever die?" is a collection of poems, stories, articles and quotes written by 25 amazing writers hailing from different parts of the world . The book talks about self confidence, peace and happiness which mostly seems missing in our life.
All the writers have woven their feelings and emotions breathta

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Books by Saurabh Sant Gyaneshwar Khobragade

El Amor this title is in Spanish and it means love In this book you will get to read about love, care and trust in the form of poems, shayaris and Quote. The co-author of this book has penned down feelings about love, care and trust. May you will find heartwarming pieces of emotions within these pages which will make you an adrenaline rush into thousands of emotions and el Amor is spread of love and care and trust of all relationships.

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Scribblenauts Secrets

Books by Sakshi Dane

History.Mystery.Love.Time Travel.

 Scribblenauts secret is a collection of women's life, time,live,love,and culture of our life etc. Mesmerizing....the Scribblenauts Secrets. Scribblenauts secret is that we have to witness everything which is around us.

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உங்கள் பார்வைக்கு என் அனுபவ கருத்து கலவை

Books by பி. முத்துக்குமரன்

கவிதை,தத்துவங்கள்,கதைகள் எழுத யாரும் கற்று கொடுக்க முடியாது.
     மனதில் பதிந்த நினைவுகள் வழி எண்ணங்கள் அனுபவத்தின் மூலம் உதித்த உணர்ச்சிகள்,கற்பனைகளும் கலந்த கலவையே

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என்னடி மாயாவி நீ

Books by ஆர்த்தி முருகேசன்

பெற்றோர், நண்பன், என எல்லா இடத்திலும் தோல்வியை மட்டுமே கண்டு வாழ்கையை வெறுக்கும் இளைஞனின்  வாழ்வில் வரும் மனைவி மாயாவியாக மாறி மாயம் செய்து வாழ்வை அழகாக மாற்றுபவளா? இல்ல

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Heavenly Glitters

Books by Harini Ganga Ashok

This anthology is a collection of poems, short stories, and quotes inked by amazing writers. The co-authors have fabricated their feelings into words. Everyone who penned here is the glittering stars of the book.Harini Ganga was born in Nellai and pursuing her 
college studies in Coimbatore. Writing is her hobby, 
habit, passion and love from her childhood. 
Between reality and fantasy, she writes her 
thoughts. She loves to

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நம்பிக்கை விதைகள்

Books by ப. சுபஸ்ரீ

சுபஸ்ரீயின் அறிவுப் பெட்டகமான 'நம்பிக்கை விதைகள்' மூலம் வாழ்வின் இன்னல்களை இனிமையாக எடுத்துக்கொள்ள கூறியுள்ளார். 

இந்நூலை வாங்கி பயன் பெறும் வாசகர்கள் என்றும் சிறந்

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Men's Lifestyle Simplified

Books by Aditya Singh Thakur

If you were a guy aiming tp improve your lifestyle, this book is for you. Every single topic has been explained comprehensively. You will find different chapters on topics ranging from self-improvement to relationship. This book is the one stop destination for all those men who want to improve their lifestyle. You won't regret having this masterpeice in your wardrobe.

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Books by ரூக் ஜெசிக்கா மற்றும் சுடர்விழி முருகன்

அம்மா என்ற இந்த புத்தகமானது கட்டுரை கவிதை கதையினை உள்ளடக்கியதாகும்.

Team Writers (தமிழ்) புலன குழுவில் 09 மே 2021 அன்னையர் தினத்தன்று  அன்று நடைபெற்ற போட்டியில் பங்கேற்றவர்கள் அனை

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Lets Gala The Week Of Feb

Books by Roque Jessica (anroje)

It's the saga of love. Love and Poetry have a soulful connection. Each won't exist without the other. Love is different to each person, some are lucky to find it sooner, but for some it takes years. Blessed are those who find their soulmates. 

This book LETS GALA THE WEEK OF FEB has eight themes written by twenty three budding poets from various parts of the world has exuberantly written about it. 
Each poem is to be felt and

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