Pattabiraman M

Associate Professor IIT Madras, Author, Editor, Speaker
Associate Professor IIT Madras, Author, Editor, Speaker

Dr M. Pattabiraman (PhD) is the founder, managing editor and primary author of freefincal. He is an associate professor at IIT, Madras and author of three personal finance books with over eight years of experience publishing news-analysis, research, financial product development.Read More...


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Chinchu Gets a Superpower! (Girls Edition)

Books by M Pattabiraman

What is this book about? As parents, if we had to groom one ability in our children that is key not only to money management and investing but to any aspect of life, what would it be? My answer: Sound Decision Making. So, in this book, we meet Chinchu, about to turn 10. What she wants for her birthday and how her parents plan for it and teach her several key ideas of decision-making and money management is the narrative.

Who is the book for? Children a

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Mutual Fund FAQ

Books by M Pattabiraman

Dear reader, this is a compilation of 100 questions that new investors in
mutual funds should first ask and then seek answers. Unlike a
conventional FAQ that deals with technical aspects on mutual funds
like, what is NAV; what is the purchase cut-off time etc. the focus here is to
ask questions that will make us better investors. The style of the FAQ is
deliberately unconventional.

Every time we focus on actions suited for our perso

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Chinchu Gets a Superpower!

Books by M Pattabiraman

What is this book about? As parents, if we had to groom one ability in our children that is key not only to money management and investing but for any aspect of life, what would it be? My answer: Sound Decision Making. So in this book, we meet Chinchu who is about to turn 10. What he wants for his birthday and how his parent's plan for it and teach him several key ideas of decision making and money management is the narrative.

Who is t

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