Anand Kumar Yadav

Author | Software Developer | Entrepreneur | Speaker | Influencer
Author | Software Developer | Entrepreneur | Speaker | Influencer

He is a dynamic young novelist who captivates audiences and raises awareness about the realities of life through his profound literary works, including books, poems, speeches, and quotes. With an unwavering belief that we have a singular existence to accomplish novel and meaningful pursuits, he strives to make a lasting impact on future generations. His exceptional talent has earned him the prestigious accolade of "Best Debut Novel." His book, "Burdened by Fate," has gained recognition as one of the "Top 100 Debut Novels" by renowned literary platforms such as Literature Slight and CriticspaceRead More...


दिल की आवाज

Books by आनंद कुमार यादव

लोग अपने जीवन में व्यस्त हैं और निराश हो रहे हैं। कविताएँ ऊर्जा पैदा करती हैं जिससे हर कोई ताजा महसूस करता है। हर कविता वास्तविकता पर आधारित है। यह निराश में आशा की शक्ति देता है

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Books by Anand Kumar Yadav

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Ankit who had a dream of becoming an IAS officer, and a girl named Anjali who aspired to become a government teacher. They were both ambitious and worked hard to achieve their goals. Fate, however, had a different plan for them as they were involved in a devastating car accident.

Several years later, Ankit was reborn on this planet, beginning a new life. From time to time, his subconscious mind would bring forth

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