Anushka Saha

In my experience, people that grow up knowing pain, heartbreak, and sorrow, require homes and stories they can connect with; stories that make them feel heard and understood, a place where their struggles are not shrugged off as unimportant or simply too graphic to be talked about, and that is precisely what I am looking to provide through this book. The women that came before me allowed me to find comfort in their words, and now I want to pay it forward. Through my poetry, I hope to make women feel heard. I hope they find themselves feeling a little less alone every time they flip through theRead More...


Lullabies Through the Storm

Books by Anushka Saha

"Lullabies through the storm" is a collection of poems that lends a voice to imperfect and often overlooked female protagonists. It tells tales of women with nothing but lullabies to comfort them through terrifying storms; a display of strength in the face of struggle.

Instead of concealing it, 'Lullabies' focuses on the flaws and lack of conventional beauty. Each poem is different. Every new poem voices the struggles of a different woman, the severity

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Lullabies Through the Storm

Books by Anushka Saha

"Lullabies through the storm" is a collection of poems that lends a voice to imperfect and often overlooked female protagonists. It tells tales of women with nothing but lullabies to comfort them through terrifying storms; a display of strength in the face of struggle.

Instead of concealing it, 'Lullabies' focuses on the flaws and lack of conventional beauty. Each poem is different. Every new poem voices the struggles of a different woman, the severity

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