Attia Abbas

Nothing excites a sensitive writer more than the helplessness of a human being battling to survive in turbulent circumstances. Notwithstanding the fact that Attia Abbas herself is not a victim of the society, nor has she had the occasion to face any societal pressure, her sensitive yet keenly observant nature has seen her empathize with those she speaks for. Without being affected, she demonstrates this unique ability to sense the pain of the oppressed. Moving on, the transformation from the battling individual to the idealizing individual is subtle yet unmistakable. It is only natural for theRead More...


Fire Drops

Books by Attia Abbas

Writing this book involved months of conscious and unconscious preparation. The Physical World, as it manifests itself in every second of life contrary to the world we live in and dream of, is the subject of my poems albeit from a subtly feminist perspective. I have consciously resisted the impulse to depict an imaginary world driven by longings and desires. Instead, I have tried to make a case for a world inhabited by better ‘human beings’ and a better

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