
Baniprosonno (born 1932), is a renowned painter. He paints, makes great drawings, sculpts, creates ‘objects’ and writes stories, poems and nonsense rhymes in Bengali, Hindi and English, considering the latter as a “global language.” Some of his notable books include “Sun is Music,” “Death is a Lie Never Men Die,” “Cosmos: A Kinetic Sculpture,” “Lal Phoolonki Khushboo Pili,” and “Hraswa oo Dirgha oo.” Moreover, Baniprosonno conducts art workshops with individuals of different age groups, including children, youngsters, grownups, and older adults. These internationallRead More...



Books by Baniprosonno

The book “CROWL” revolves around the friendship between an owl and a crow – Shimla raven. The owl represents the night, while the crow symbolizes the day. The story is divided into three chapters: “Shimla by day,” “The Other Crows,” and “Letter box and Ladder Box.” The birds explore various parts of Shimla, sharing their thoughts and opinions about the town, including its good, bad, and ugly aspects. They visit places like the Shimla courts,

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