Bhaasita Athani

Bhaasita Athani is 19 years old and is currently studying film production at Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design, and Technology, Bangalore. Apart from writing short stories and novellas, his interests include making short films and urban photography. He lives in Bangalore, India.Read More...


The Ancient Anarchist and Other Stories

Books by Bhaasita Athani

Bukpa had a layer of sweat on his face that he hadn’t wiped for a long time.  He didn’t want to get distracted. There was a vague pain in his chest.  The moment he paid attention to it, it increased.  It was fear.  He didn’t think it would be this frightening.  He had imagined it very differently.  He thought he would go there with immense bravery in his heart and they would all attack the elders’ huts of the Jandunga tribe and return with immens

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