Kanchana Jeyathilagar,

Kanchana Jeyathilakar from Tirunelveli district studied English literature. He started his writing journey in Tamil tabloids and soon expanded his platform to mass media as well. So far he has written 3,000 short stories and 70 novels. His earlier novel 'Marupadi Ramiyena' for the Bynge app was well received by the readers. This is his next work.Read More...


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மறுபடி மழையென

Books by காஞ்சனா ஜெயதிலகர்

 பெரும்பாலோரைப் போல செளகர்யமான, ஏன் சாதாரணமான வாழ்வுகூட வைபவிக்கு அமையவில்லை. இளமையில் தாயை இழந்தவள், தொடர்ந்து தகப்பனையும் பறிகொடுக்கிறாள். தந்தையின் இளைய தாரமான கோகிலா

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