Lizy Kalaga

Writer, Counsellor, Educator and an Entrepreneur
Writer, Counsellor, Educator and an Entrepreneur

Meet Lizy Celestine, the author of "Hey You!" - the book that will have you questioning everything you thought you knew about life, love, and the universe. Lizy is an aerospace engineer with an MBA and a bunch of certifications in psychology and somehow a successful entrepreneur, who, at the young age of 29, got bored of the corporate world and decided to partially retire early to pursue her true passion - writing and being a smartass. With her unique perspective as an aerospace engineer and a successful entrepreneur, Lizy has seen the best and worst of the corporate world and has come out theRead More...


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Hey You!

Books by Lizy Celestine

Welcome to "Hey You!" - the book that will have you questioning everything you thought you knew about life and the human experience in the most sarcastic way possible. It's like that book that tells you how to ask your insecurities and fears to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip! You'd feel that everything you've known so far about life is just crap. It's like a wake-up call from the universe, telling you to stop settling for mediocrit

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