Namrata Nigam

Namrata is enthusiastic about understanding people's emotions and translating them into words. Although she began her professional journey by obtaining a degree in computer science from one of India's premier technological institutes - BIT Mesra - she later worked in the field of education, where she wholeheartedly dedicated herself to writing. Subsequently, she passionately devoted herself to her family. However, her deep interest in all forms of human emotions always remained alive. As a result, she has learned a lot about the human aspect and expressed her insights through poems and imaginaRead More...



Books by नम्रता निगम

कुछ खास बातें
रोचकता, निरंतरता, जीवंतता, किसी भी उपन्यास को सुरुचि पूर्ण बनाने में सहायक है। अपने पहले उपन्यास सरल में मेरा यही प्रयत्न रहा है कि कहानी के प्रति पाठकों की रोचक

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