Nishant Pohare

The author is a homo sapien by accident and a human by choice. after having done stints in movies as an assistant director and later as a television post producer, he ultimately turned to his natural calling as a journalist, where things turned out exactly as he had feared, whereby he ran out of options and subjects and ended up writing poetry. This is his first book. Read More...



Books by निशांत पोहरे

'मिसरा उठा लो तुम गर तो ग़ज़ल ये मुकम्मल हो जाए'

'अन सुलझे मसले हैं अधूरी ज़िन्दगी के सारे हल हो जाए '

मिसरे' जब एक दूसरे का हाथ पकड़कर साथ चलते है तो इक दुनिया ज़ाहिर होती

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