Prachi Poddar

Prachi Poddar is a devoted mother in the current life, an avid reader, dreamer and corporate employee in a not-so-distant past life.  Like most new mothers, Prachi left her job to take care of her daughter.  Her world revolved around nappies and stories.  When she decided to get back to work, the world decided to shut down due to the pandemic.  Maybe it was a sign! Stuck inside the house, going through a personal loss, lack of job opportunities, and typical housewife chores, all of this drove her towards depression. Stories in her head are what kept her going.  She decided to pen one downRead More...


Lily, Jake and the Waterland Sorceress

Books by Prachi Poddar

Without thinking twice, Jake brought home the big shiny egg that he found near the sea shore.  He and his best friend George never imagined that a mermaid baby would hatch from it.  Their terror and panic on discovering a merbaby soon turns into adventure as they gradually learn about the magical world of water.  The merbaby, whom they name Lily, grows into a twelve year old beautiful, strong and intelligent young girl at the end of one year. But then all h

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