
Do you often feel that gender bias still exists in society? Do you ever suffer from toxic patriarchal work culture? Do you find yourself self-sabotaging and lacking confidence despite having desires and dreams? Do you have dreams to fulfill, but find yourself held back by traumas? Have you ever experienced a lack of a strong bond between a parent and a child? Do you want to shift your life and connect to your inner self? Do you want to take a step towards living the life you always dreamt of? The Pursuit of Finding Myself will help you develop a better understanding of the various challenges wRead More...


The Pursuit of Finding Myself

Books by Priyankkaa

Do you often feel that gender bias still exists in society?

Do you ever suffer from toxic patriarchal work culture?

Do you find yourself self-sabotaging and lacking confidence despite having desires and dreams? 

Do you have dreams to fulfill, but find yourself held back by traumas?

Have you ever experienced a lack of a strong bond between a parent and a child?

Do you want to shift your life and connect to your inner self?

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