Rachna Gehlot

Rachna Gehlot is a Dietitian and Naturopath. Born in Delhi, she completed her graduation as well as post graduation in Dietetics and Public Health Nutrition from Lady Irwin College, Delhi. Currently, she resides in Jaipur, Rajasthan where she has been practising since last 18 years. She combines her academic expertise with a deep appreciation for holistic healing methods.   Her unique perspective is shaped by a profound interest and faith in ancient Ayurvedic principles. She is dedicated to helping individuals achieve optimal health through a harmonious blend of modern nutritional science witRead More...


The Divine Millets (Shree Anna): Health, Nutrition and Delectable Recipes

Books by Rachna Gehlot

Are you eager to embrace millets in your diet? But unsure, where to start from? Look no further! Addressing everything from selection and consumption to cooking techniques, The Divine Millets can be your go-to- guide, answering all your queries related to these nourishing grains.

Delve into the diverse and enriching world of India’s Top Ten Millets, unleashing the secrets of their nutritional abundance and health benefits. Discover simple yet delightf

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