Shreyas Shankar

A yogi at heart, Shreyas is a man of life experience aplenty and its opposite equal in social cues. Enough, in fact, to retire to a life of dwelling amongst nature goddesses and pagan shrines (jungles). For now, though, he is happy to indulge in what life has to offer. Through years of training in martial arts and yoga, Shreyas developed ideas that he feels if voiced well, could help people see their own lives in greater clarity and philosophical light. Enter Soul Matters. Cover designed by Tejas KalyankarRead More...


Soul Matters

Books by Shreyas Shankar

The book Soul Matters is built on the writer’s lifelong fascination for the human psyche and answers to humanity’s great questions. What started as timely observations of life’s intricacies collected in a bookshelf that screamed to be heard in some form. From being one of the thousand voices yearning to be heard, it now stands to be read in the shape of a series of 18 wisecrack quips and befitting explanations.

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