Abhishek Anand

Being an engineering Graduate and working 9 to 5 in an MNC does not makes abhishek anand complete if we remove writing from his life. Coming from a small village in Bihar, Darbhanga and making his dream of Writing a 95%-career is interesting. After launch of his 3 Books in last 2 years makes us believe that he will go a long way as an Author. Why 'anand' is special? What makes his writing special? Common people, Common places and small incidences revolving around Satires are the powerful tools that puts anand’s writing in a different league. Some classics from his earlier books – “VanityRead More...


कार्य प्रगति पर है

Books by अभिषेक आनंद

आपके हाथ में ये किताब देखकर इतना तो पक्का हो गया कि आप पढ़ने के शौक़ीन हैं। आपकी जानकारी के लिए बताता चलूँ कि इस वक़्त आपके हाथ में छोटी-छोटी कहानियों की एक किताब है, और मैं इस किताब का

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