Dr. Amar Aggarwal

The author was actively engaged in the business related to pharmaceutical right from dispensing medicines to retailing, wholesaling and manufacturing of drugs. However, being an astrologer was the author’s destiny, and his planets gave a 360-degree turn to the career. After studying astrology in 1998, he started teaching astrology. In the year 2001, he joined an internationally known astrological body AIFAS (All India Federation of Astrologer's Society) and later on elevated to the post of Governor (AIFAS) for Haryana and Chandigarh. He wrote about fifty research articles in a prestigious maRead More...


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लाल किताब सैद्धांतिक दृष्टिकोण

Books by डॉ. अमर अगरवाल

जीवन का आरंभ दवाइयों के व्योपार से हुआ तीस साल के अंतराल के बाद ज्योतिष सीखने की जिज्ञासा हुई और १९९५ में ज्योतिष सीखना शुरू किया, दो साल का डिप्लोमा करने बाद मैंने पढ़ाना शुरू क

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Oohs & Oops in Practical Astrology

Books by Dr. Amar Aggarwal

The title of the book, ‘Oohs & oops’, may look odd but once the readers and scholars go through the book they will feel the correctness of the title. The book clarifies all the misconceptions about Kuja-Dosha, Kala-Sarpa Yoga, Rahu's Mahadasa, Saade-satiand and many more.

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लाल किताब व्याकरण एंव भावफल विचार

Books by डॉ. अमर अगरवाल

"लाल किताब व्याकरण एंव भावफाल"  का शोधित संस्करण है, पहली किताब (संस्करण) को कई दिशाओं से सुधारा गया है, इस भाग का विशेष आकर्षण इसका अध्याय नंबर-15 है जो कि ग्रहों के खानवार उपाओं से त

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लाल किताब

Books by डॉ. अमर अगरवाल

“लाल किताब ग्रहफल विचार” संशोधित सन्सकरण पूरा करते-करते एक बात दिमाग में बैठ गई कि पिछले आठ साल में इस ग्रन्थ में जो समझने की कोशिश करता रहा वो दरअसल इसमें है ही नहीं ! पाँच कित

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Laal Kitaab

Books by

The book “Laal-kitab Grehfal Vichar” is in fact a tribute to Yugpurush Pandit Roop Chand Joshi, who wrote the original book in Urdu and Farsi language. But the passage of time Urdu started diminishing and there was dearth of people who were well versed or unknown to Urdu language hence it was very difficult for them to learn the subject “Lal-kitab” though they are keenly interested but the language part made it difficult. Perhaps this is the only book

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