V. Gayathri

Ms. Gayathri V is a Nutritionist/Dietician by profession and a familiar face across all media. She is also a spiritual seeker, meditator and a food activist who promotes traditional, locally sourced food and supports natural resources. A mother of two, Prapanj and Prithvi, Ms. Gayathri helps people around the globe through direct and online nutrition and healing services. She believes that human beings are multi-dimensional and we need to answer the questions that their body and mind are asking, in order to heal from the root. She has also organised hundreds of free nutrition awareness programRead More...


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Diet & Meditation for Emotional Eating

Books by V. Gayathri

The modern world is after quick solutions. When Keto and crash diets are the flavour of the season, this book proposes a sustainable and fulfilling method of lifestyle modification. Subtle changes in family meals and food choices that pamper the inner child with the things it loves, could bring in a world of difference.  If mindfully blended, Inner Child Healing, Food and Nutrition Sciences, Meditation,  and Spirituality could congenially help solve

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Diet & Meditation for Emotional Eating

Books by V. Gayathri

The modern world is after quick solutions. When Keto and crash diets are the flavour of the season, this book proposes a sustainable and fulfilling method of lifestyle modification. Subtle changes in family meals and food choices that pamper the inner child with the things it loves, could bring in a world of difference.  If mindfully blended, Inner Child Healing, Food and Nutrition Sciences, Meditation,  and Spirituality could congenially help solve

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