Kalpana Muthireddi

Kalpana Muthireddi is a business lawyer licensed to practice in India and the USA. She is an international technology, commercial and outsourcing transactions attorney with prior litigation experience having practiced in the high court of Karnataka. She has handled transactions across several domains ranging from IT to biotechnology, including aerospace, cloud computing, and stem cell-based therapies in her work as an in-house counsel. She has advised, pre-sales, business, delivery and other technical teams on legal matters and has also provided training on key issues to both legal and non-legRead More...


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Legalese Decoded

Books by Kalpana Muthireddi

"A useful guide covering important information and best practices to understand legal concepts in business"  
 ~ Manupatra

Have you ever had to deal with legal documents or contracts and couldn’t get them off your hands soon enough?

Not sure if you can sign off on that investor agreement?

Maybe words like “GDPR compliance,” “outsourcing contracts,” or “re-negotiations” make you feel strangely queasy.

This book dem

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