T.C. Leenhouts

Theodorus Leenhouts works as an international business consultant specialized in organization and knowledge management. After Nautical College he starts his career at sea as a maritime officer. Back on dry land he gets a degree in energy technology and business administration and worked for more than 20 years in sales and marketing for the large multinationals in the food and beverage business. In his career he was mostly concerned with building up sales organisations in Eastern Europe and Asia, especially India. He holds a master in Neuro Linguistic Programming and still advises companies in Read More...


Eight Roads to Cross

Books by T.C. Leenhouts

If you’re trying to change your life by changing the things and people around you, you’re in for a great disappointment. If you think you can find happiness outside of yourself you’re going to get frustrated, stressed or even depressed.

What would the impact on your life be if you could master the building blocks of your life, your thoughts? Thoughts create your world, your feelings, your behaviour and in the end your results, whether you like them

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