Manish Shrivastava

Manish Shrivastava’s journey embarked as an enthusiast of the Hindi language, which is also his mother tongue, and began in his college days as a playwright but came to a standstill when the burden of livelihood overpowered his adoration for and pursuit of writing. His profession range-rovered him to different parts of India, starting from Bundelkhand, which is also his hometown, to western UP, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra, Kerala and Karnataka. His extensive experience even took him to South East Asia and he is presently settled in Jakarta, Indonesia. But the aspiration to accomplish his dreaRead More...


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मैं मुन्ना हूँ

Books by मनीष श्रीवास्तव

"मैं मुन्ना हूँ" नायक के मानसिक विदलन और सृजनात्मक विकास व उपलब्धियों की कथा है। समकालीन सनसनियों में से एक से शुरू हुई यह कथा एक बालक, एक किशोर, एक युवक के उस आदिम अरण्य में ले जाती

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