Moin Qazi

An economist by training and a social worker by practice, Moin Qazi is an author, researcher and development professional who has spent four decades in the development sector. He is a firm believer in learning from communities in their environments. He began his early career as a development journalist. While still at college, he began writing on issues relating to the plight of child labourers and leading efforts against it. His work ultimately received the attention of Indian courts, leading to a series of reforms for child labourers. Qazi has a rare blend of solid grassroots and institutionRead More...


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Kazi Syed Karimuddin

Books by Moin Qazi

Vidarbha, in Maharashtra’s north-eastern region, has been fertile ground for social reformers and intellectuals. It has played a vital role in shaping the nation, with its social, cultural, and political currents enriching India's civilization. One such luminary from Yavatmal was Kazi Syed Karimuddin, a distinguished criminal lawyer who played a critical role in drafting the Indian Constitution.

Karimuddin actively engaged in Yavatmal’s social, lega

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Kazi Syed Karimuddin

Books by Moin Qazi

Vidarbha, in Maharashtra’s north-eastern region, has been fertile ground for social reformers and intellectuals. It has played a vital role in shaping the nation, with its social, cultural, and political currents enriching India's civilization. One such luminary from Yavatmal was Kazi Syed Karimuddin, a distinguished criminal lawyer who played a critical role in drafting the Indian Constitution.

Karimuddin actively engaged in Yavatmal’s social, lega

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Books by Moin Qazi

Umar ibn al-Khattab, one of the greatest Caliphs in Islamic history, symbolizes justice, humility, and strong leadership. Renowned author Moin Qazi eloquently highlights his extraordinary traits that have inspired generations.

In the 7th century, an envoy of the Roman Emperor arrived in Madinah, the heart of the Islamic world, accompanied by a grand entourage showcasing Roman opulence. He asked a passerby, “Where is the palace of the Caliph?” The Ar

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Books by Moin Qazi

Umar ibn al-Khattab, one of the greatest Caliphs in Islamic history, symbolizes justice, humility, and strong leadership. Renowned author Moin Qazi eloquently highlights his extraordinary traits that have inspired generations.

In the 7th century, an envoy of the Roman Emperor arrived in Madinah, the heart of the Islamic world, accompanied by a grand entourage showcasing Roman opulence. He asked a passerby, “Where is the palace of the Caliph?” The Ar

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A Fresh Perspective for Indian Muslims

Books by Moin Qazi

This book, authored by the well-known academic and writer Moin Qazi, represents a pivotal step in our mission to rejuvenate historical research. Its principal objective is to clear several misconceptions that have distorted the harmony between Hindus and Muslims, who were otherwise sharing a loving and affectionate syncretic culture that permeated their societies for several ages. It aims to uncover new perspectives and contribute to a more nuanced understandi

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A Fresh Perspective for Indian Muslims

Books by Moin Qazi

This book, authored by the well-known academic and writer Moin Qazi, represents a pivotal step in our mission to rejuvenate historical research. Its principal objective is to clear several misconceptions that have distorted the harmony between Hindus and Muslims, who were otherwise sharing a loving and affectionate syncretic culture that permeated their societies for several ages. It aims to uncover new perspectives and contribute to a more nuanced understandi

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Women In Islam- Exploring New Paradigms

Books by Moin Qazi

Women in Islam: Exploring new Paradigms is a revolutionary book that explores the vast literature and canonical texts on the rights of Muslim women. The author argues that the revelation of Qur’an marked a watershed in the history of Muslim women. It empowered them in several ways. If women are oppressed today it is on account of factors extrinsic to Islam: had the true intent of the Qur’an been followed, there would have been gender equality, bu

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Village Diary of a Heretic Banker

Books by Moin Qazi

VILLAGE DIARY OF A HERETIC BANKER is more a diary than an instructive guide. The diary provides the flavour of the author’s personal experiences as a rural banker and his engagement with the poor in the remote crannies of India. The seed around which the book crystallises is the intrinsic tenacity and grit of poor rural women that can be harnessed into energetic powerhouses to drive our rural society onto the road to prosperity. The

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Muhammad: The Prophet for Eternity

Books by Moin Qazi

Muhammad: The Prophet for Eternity {Khutbât-e-Madrâs}is a compilation of a series of eight lectures delivered by Syed Sulaiman Nadvi in 1925 at Madras in India. In these lectures the author examines the lifeof the Prophet as an abidingmodel for all mankind. These lectures were delivered as part of an annual series of lectures promoted by the Muslim Education Society of Madras, a pioneer institution in South

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Woven Wonders of the Deccan

Books by Moin Qazi

Indian hand woven fabrics have been known since time immemorial. Poets of the Mughal durbar likened our muslins to baft hawa (woven air), abe rawan (running water) and shabnam (morning dew). A tale runs that Emperor Aurangzeb had a fit of rage when he one day saw his daughter princess Zeb-un-Nissa clad in almost nothing. On being severely rebuked, the princess explained that she had not one but seven jamahs (dresses) on her

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Making Development Deliver Better

Books by Moin Qazi

This book, authored by a well-known development professional, Moin Qazi, gives those who care about India a chance to brainstorm their ideas for making India a place of equal opportunities and democratised development. The active representatives of NGOs, philanthropies, multi-and-bi-lateral agencies, activists, thinkers, academics and all fellow travellers on the road to helping India progress – whether students, professionals or retired individuals. From th

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Muslim Women Reclaim Their Gender Legacy

Books by Moin Qazi

In this book, the author, Moin Qazi, delineates the trajectory of Islamic feminism, which scholars are now actively researching because of the transformative advances made by Muslim women. These women have escaped the subjugation and oppression they endured for centuries. The continuing grim portrayals of these women hit the author's nerve. He believed it was imperative to highlight modern Muslim women's true breadth of experience. 

The Islamic feminis

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A Need to Relook at Islam

Books by Moin Qazi

In this book, the author, Moin Qazi, has explored the significant themes of Islam in both the classical and modern contexts. He has authored several books on Islam with a distinct and unique approach to the subject. Islam remains a staggeringly diverse and complicated religion in its geographical and political reach, making reforms difficult.

Every religious ideal has a historical time and context. The circumstances for its realization will not be suffi

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Banking in India’s Hinterland

Books by Moin Qazi

"Banking in India’s Hinterland" isn't your typical how-to guide. Instead, it's a compelling account of the author's experiences as a rural banker in India. Through personal stories, the book sheds light on the struggles of impoverished communities, particularly the strength and resilience of poor rural women.

The author argues there's no one-size-fits-all solution to poverty. He emphasizes the need for local experimentation and a deep understanding of

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Healing the Hindu-Muslim Divide

Books by Moin Qazi

This book is an attempt to initiate a dialogue between Hindus and Muslims to explore how best we can cool the seething anger and douse the angry flames that have incited religious ideologies and are staggering at a rapid pace. The conflagration of the crisis appears headed for a volcano. Since 1947, India and Pakistan have shared profound affinities across ferociously policed borders,

A few decades back, India was an amalgam of rare mysticism, its stage

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Voices From a Tinctured Heart

Books by Moin Qazi

It is not often that poetry enters the national conversation, but we are delighted that it has this time. Robert Frost opined, "Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words." These inspiring words made me unleash my dormant emotions and take a deeper dive into this literary art form. It became my personal and perennial path, an intense journey, and I was able to depict through my verses my adventures in pursuit of empowering

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Beyond Man-Made Religion

Books by Moin Qazi

We live in troubled times, a dangerous and destabilized world that has coarsened our sensibilities and constrained our capacities for goodness. The world presents a baffling problem. It questions the history of people, places, and cultures with the idea of creating wedges between faiths. All the world’s religions teach love, compassion, and forgiveness, yet, unprovoked and unimaginable violence is being perpetrated in the name of the faith by self-proclaimed

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A Reader on Financial Inclusion

Books by Moin Qazi

The official emphasis on financial inclusion keeps re-emerging in policy discourses and among bankers, who are critical of its architecture, despite the earnestness and enthusiasm in pursuing it. In the face of initial bursts of euphoria, the movement develops fatigue for commercial reasons. The agenda regularly falls by the side –first from discussion tables and then from policy engagement. Banks face many constraints; the high cost of driving financial inc

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Umar Ibn Al-Khattab - The Great Caliph

Books by Moin Qazi

When exercised with faith and steadfastness, history bends to the will of man. Umar Al Farooq was such a man who left a legacy that subsequent generations have emulated. He was a great conqueror, a wise administrator, a just ruler, a monumental builder, and a man of piety who loved God with the same intensity that other conquerors of his caliber have loved gold and wealth. Umar shaped the historical edifice of Islam, and whatever Islam became or did not become

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New Vision of Islam

Books by Moin Qazi

This book is a compilation of the author’s articles on various facets of Islam, published earlier in various newspapers and journals. It gives an insight into various faiths and how they have influenced the lives of their adherents. Many of these concepts have been examined in the context of Islam and Muslim culture. The purpose of the book is to reinforce the bond of tolerance between people of different faiths, ideas, and philosophies. The author firmly be

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The Key to Inclusive Development

Books by Moin Qazi

The field of development has always been one in which the worlds of research and practice are in close relationship with each other and have to move in tandem. Ideas emanating from the top often find quick application. But equally important, in principle, is the reverse feedback—the need to orient researchers’ attention on the questions that are, or should be, on the policy agenda. Impactful academic research has the potential to improve the world we live

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Mantras of Peace

Books by Moin Qazi

We live in troubled times, in a dangerous and destabilized world that has coarsened our sensibilities and constrained our capacities for goodness. The world presents a baffling conundrum. It questions the history of peoples, places, and cultures to create wedges between faiths.  

Despite its detractors, religion remains firmly embedded in our universal consciousness. Those who do not subscribe to any organized religion also now see scriptures as candle

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Books by Moin Qazi

This book demonstrates how your choice of language can influence your reader.The book keeps speed with the latest developments in the field of communication and draws on practices used at reputed business schools like Wharton, Kellogg and Harvard. It equips managers with skills to navigate the varying needs, demands and challenges of their audience with courtesy, strength, consideration and confidence. Apart from its academic grounding, which includes explanat

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The Essential Microfinance

Books by A Ramesh Kumar, Moin Qazi

This book is an exhaustive handbook on microfinance covering more than 600 concepts and ideas .Since poverty alleviation remains a top agenda for development programs and microfinance has proved the most effective approach for combating it, there was a growing demand among students, academics, journalists, bankers and general readers for a handy companion on microfinance.

The text examines what has become a vast global industry employing hundreds of th

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Umar Al Farooq

Books by Moin Qazi

History bends to the will of man when it is exercised with faith and steadfastness. Umar Al Farooq was one such man. He bent history to his will, leaving a legacy that successor generations have looked upon as a model to copy. He was one of the greatest of conquerors, a wise administrator, a just ruler, a monumental builder and a man of piety who loved God with the same intensity that other conquerors of his calibre have loved gold and wealth. . Umar shaped t

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Books by Moin Qazi

The life of Muhammad has provided inspiration to Muslims for hundreds of years .The Prophet occupies a unique place in the life and conscience of Muslims. For them, he was the most perfect of God’s creatures, and he was, according to a famous Arabic poem, not just a man among men but like a ruby among ordinary stones. The life of the

Prophet has inspired the development of a vast body of literature over the centuries. Authors in every genre have writte

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