Nisheeth Adhikari

Consultant, Writer, Author
Consultant, Writer, Author

Nisheeth Adhikari is a seasoned information technology professional with a deep interest in cybersecurity. He believes that enhancing day-to-day security in today’s “Phygital” landscape requires a firm foundation of prudent behavioral practices reinforced by technology and complementary security measures following a defense-in-depth approach. Recognizing the relentless pace of digitalization and technology’s pervasive role in our lives, Nisheeth advocates for early intervention to foster awareness and digital literacy. He considers these elements essential for safe and purposeful navigRead More...


Values Compass

Books by Nisheeth Adhikari

Values constitute a fundamental aspect of human existence. The alignment with the right values fosters the right intent, which drives the right effort, culminating in the right outcomes. These favorable outcomes pave the way for harmonious growth and prosperity, contributing to an elevated happiness quotient. This quotient forms the centerpiece of a healthy ecosystem.

In today's fast-paced environment, this short writing aims to act as a nugget of wisd

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Jini and Vini: Into the Webiverse

Books by Nisheeth Adhikari

Embark on a digital adventure like none other with Jini and Vini as your companions. From the exciting tales of the “Digital Playground” to the sobering realities of “The Web of Deceit,” these stories illuminate the intricate blend of the “Phygital Webiverse.” The writing explores the challenges and triumphs of the digital age, offering valuable insights through relatable narratives and specific guidance.

But this journey is more than just s

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