Pooran Chand Sarin

As a journalist, I started my journey from Nav Bharat Times in 1962 after completing my graduation from Delhi University as an unpaid trainee. I got a job in the advertising department of The Times of India in 1965 and worked here till 1971 when I was selected by DAVP, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Govt of India and worked here till 1988 and then resigned to start my career as a Film Maker and established audio-video studios in Film City, Noida. I have produced and directed documentary films, serials, Radio Programmes. I started a news and feature agency in 1984 and started introduRead More...


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न काहू से दोस्ती न काहू से बैर

Books by पूरन चंद सरीन

प्रकृति ने मानव को जल, जंगल, जमीन का उपहार दिया ताकि वह इनके उपयोग से अपना जीवन यापन कर सके। प्रदूषण रहित पर्यावरण भी प्रदान किया।

मनुष्य ने जीवन की समृद्धि के लिए प्राकृतिक सं

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