
In seventh grade, their perspective widened as they began scrutinizing various facets of situations. Being young, answers to their questions remained elusive, leading to endless inner dialogues. This prompted them to start jotting down thoughts evoked by everyday scenes. This marked the start of their writing journey, initially with informal articles that kindled their passion for writing. Gradually, they ventured into crafting quotes, eventually experimenting with Hindi and Urdu shayari. Change often necessitates experience or a pivotal moment. Their father's nostalgic tales of his village chRead More...


The Speaking Heart

Books by Priyanka Athia

Every time we make a decision based on what our mind believes under certain conditions!

Is it completely fine? Is it right or wrong? This decision in itself is very difficult because the circumstances have become such that the mind or heart is not stable at all. So at that time a book plays the role of a companion in itself where it decorates the different colours of life. In the same way, this book weaves a garland of experiences in the form of pearls

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