
Born on 16th May 1956 in a small village called Kariyapattinam, Radha was naturally gifted as a poet from an early age. From nature poems to religious poems and many short stories have appeared in Dinamani Kathir and small editions. During his stay in the capital city of Delhi, his poem "Siruthaiye Vashva Vaa" based on the lines of Bharathidasan won the first prize, "Kan Laandhal Kaveri" and "Mute Nejchin Osais" won the second and third prizes respectively in the Delhi Tamil Society. He has interest and energy in writing short stories and many of his works remain unpublished.Read More...


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வைகறையின் பூபாளம்

Books by ராதா

ராதா அவர்களின் "வைகறையின் பூபாளம்" என்னும் கவிதைத் தொகுப்பில் இயற்கையை இனிமையான தமிழில் வர்ணித்து, ஆகாயத்தை, மேகக் கூட்டங்களை, மழையை கம்பிச் சரங்ககளாக வர்ணித்த கற்பனைத் த

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