PK Sharma

PK Sharma’s goal is to help you achieve success in sales, business and in your personal life. He has a Master’s Degree in Psychology, Personnel and Marketing Management from Mumbai University and has worked for 36 years in the fields of Sales and Marketing. His career span was focused in the FMCG sector, including Procter & Gamble, one of the world’s largest multinational corporations. He has trained executives and staff of many largest corporations. His training program on Leadership, Sales Management, Self-Esteem, Goals, Strategy and Psychology bring about immediate chaRead More...


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Thinking Salesman

Books by PK Sharma

The purpose of this book is to give you a series of mental, psychological and management concepts, processes, strategies, and techniques that you can use immediately to increase sales and personal success. In this book, you will discover the language of your mind, i.e. Feelings, Emotions and Thoughts [FET], that transform your inner power and create the language of your body, i.e. Excitement, Enthusiasm and Energy [3Es], that drives your actions and behavior,

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