TM Sebastian

T. M. Sebastian wrote this book around the age of 60 after going through a spiritual experience at the age of 17, while reading the Gospel of Jesus Christ which took him from Ashrams in India, and the deserts of Arabia while working in trading and shipping companies, including years of spiritual experiences through the teachings of Ramana Maharshi and Sankaracharya and western writers like Thomas Merton, Jean-Paul Sartre, besides the teachings of Buddha and the Zen masters.  This 40-year spiritual journey resulted in a clear understanding of the purpose of human life and this understanding iRead More...


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The Science of the True Self

Books by TM Sebastian

The secrets of the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita are revealed. Read one book and know both the Gita and the Bible. Study: the science of eternal life, the science of our true identity, our true self, the science of the mahatatva "Aham brahma asmi," or the words of the Bible "I am that I am," are the profound teachings of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita and the holy Bible for only the learned. Now all who can read can know both of these holy texts with ease. Study the u

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