
Tuhin believes in experiencing life first-hand, and so he is content being labelled a jack of all trades. He retains the title of being an amateur in martial arts, occasional long-distance runner, nervous stand-up comedian, fill-in singer and an almost-there sketch artist. Tuhin was born in a middle class family in a small town of western Uttar Pradesh. Many of his childhood memories originate from congested roads and busy markets, and ubiquitous in these settings were thin, sweaty rikshewalas. From the passenger seat, Tuhin thoroughly enjoyed having casual conversations with them. He loved toRead More...


Mannu Rikshewala

Books by Tuhin

Who cares about the story of a rikshewala? They’re all the same – skeletons cycling rickety three-wheelers…

However, Mannu was different. He appeared to be an ordinary rikshewala, but he carried broken dreams in his lonely heart. He dreamed of rising above the creeping hunger and petty bargains for five-rupee-notes, every damn day of his life!

Ankita leaves her diary in his rickshaw by mistake. Scribbled on its yellow pages

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