
Vasantha Krishnan lives in Chennai along with his family who serves in the IT industry for over 12 years. He started to write stories and poems right from his school days and his love towards his writings has generated a lot of reader base in his school, college and even now in work environment. He used to blog which in turn earned him a reader turned friends. He is an adherent reader of books. His way of life is to respect everyone and live happily without hurting others. He used to love everyone and wish to cherish this birth. He has unconditional love towards his mother tongue ‘TamilRead More...


வாழ்க்கையெனும் சாலையில்

Books by வசந்தகிருஷ்ணன்

பெரும்பாலான சமயங்களில் சமுதாயமே ஒரு தனிமனிதனை இயக்குகின்றது. அத்தகைய சமுதாயத்தின் எடுப்பார் கைப்பிள்ளையாக எழிலழகன். ரம்யாவிற்கு எழில்மேல் காதல்.  அந்தக்காதல் திருமணம்

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