Lokansha Balyan

Poetry // Writing
Poetry // Writing



Books by Lokansha Balyan

Poetry is the perfect pitch for the ones who wish to be too loud and too quiet, all at the same time. I find it to be a safe place to lock away the secrets that haunt me and the ones that have faded with time or have been overpowered by newer memories. This book is a collection of raw words with refined emotions. I invite you to this rollercoaster of thoughts and make-believe.

As the name suggests, Blood perfume discusses love, heart-break, death and m

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আপনার প্রোফাইলে বদল করুন

সর্বাধিক আকার: ৫ এম বি.
যেই ফরম্যাট গুলি প্রহণযোগ্য: .jpg,. Jpeg,. png
Lokansha Balyan's Author Page - Notion Press | India's largest book publisher

Lokansha Balyan

Poetry // Writing
Poetry // Writing



Books by Lokansha Balyan

Poetry is the perfect pitch for the ones who wish to be too loud and too quiet, all at the same time. I find it to be a safe place to lock away the secrets that haunt me and the ones that have faded with time or have been overpowered by newer memories. This book is a collection of raw words with refined emotions. I invite you to this rollercoaster of thoughts and make-believe.

As the name suggests, Blood perfume discusses love, heart-break, death and m

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আপনার প্রোফাইলে বদল করুন

সর্বাধিক আকার: ৫ এম বি.
যেই ফরম্যাট গুলি প্রহণযোগ্য: .jpg,. Jpeg,. png