कुछ अल्फाज
By Dr. Deepak Yogi in Poetry | Reads: 1,055 | Likes: 1
खूबसूरत थे बचपन के दिन भी वो,कागज़ की ही सही मगर,हमारी भी जहाज पानी में चला करती थी,कभी बहन के हाथों से झूला-झूलना , कभी   Read More...
Published on Apr 8,2020 11:14 PM
कुछ अल्फाज
By Dr. Deepak Yogi in Poetry | Reads: 1,002 | Likes: 1
धुआँ धुआँ है फ़ज़ा रौशनी बहुत कम है  सभी से प्यार करो ज़िंदगी बहुत कम है  जहाँ है प्यास वहाँ सब गिलास ख़ाली हैं   Read More...
Published on Apr 8,2020 11:19 PM
एक तरफा प्यार
By poorvi in Poetry | Reads: 1,008 | Likes: 1
शीर्षक - एक तरफा प्यार इंकार हो या इक्रार हो क्या फर्क पड़ता है इश्क़ का सरूर ही कुछ ऐसा है जो धीरे धीरे चढ़ता है मेरी  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 12:11 AM
Litany of loss
By Priyanka Modi in Poetry | Reads: 474 | Likes: 1
Litany of loss Ma died, lost her to cancer. A little lump in the breast; It proved stronger than all the meds, prayers and powers put together, When she first discovered this beast, that devoured her alive, I was 13 and my brother 5, That wail of hers, when the reports said Stage 4, The weeping, sc  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 03:31 AM
A bicycle in a Kami
By joydeep debbarma in True Story | Reads: 621 | Likes: 1
A bicycle in a KamiBy Joyd In those days in Khowai District of Tripura, in one of the remote villages, in Twisa-watolok kami,  folks were innocent, primitive, and humorous. There were humble relationships among the villagers.  Once Gulmohar chacha rented a bi-cycle from Maa  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 08:25 AM
Mr. Gudukrai
By joydeep debbarma in True Story | Reads: 705 | Likes: 1
Mr. Gudukrai "Here comes a gentleman of Gandwrai kami,"  A voice announcing, now and then with a hand-mic to all directions, "Welcome folks, Welcome! to the Tulashikok Bazaar's show of its kind." The folks were excited to see the man with all admiration.  "Kulumkha-!" He said and took-of  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 08:38 AM
By Sudeshna Sahoo in Romance | Reads: 591 | Likes: 1
From holding hands to get closer in heart, To meeting each other's soul to never get apart. Love is an unconditional comfort, That gives you care and support.  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 09:06 AM
Letter to a friend
By Eswar Tavva in True Story | Reads: 577 | Likes: 1
LETTER TO A FRIEND Stamp collection and postcard collection are one of my hobbies. One fine day I went to the Post Office located in Army Cantonment in Secunderabad to collect some stamps. An old man, about 80 years of age, approached me and requested me to write a letter to his friend. He also requ  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 09:12 AM
Darkness digging the grave
By Saugat Mukhia in General Literary | Reads: 505 | Likes: 1
As the darkness looms in every nooks and corners haunting the fragile heart. The virus came in and took up its place there, unconcerned and indifferent, plague that penetrates everywhere having swallowed up the nations happiness, and was now digesting it listlessly, and is now ready to swallow the h  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 09:16 AM
रूह कुचलते देखा है ।
By Ajahar Rahaman in Poetry | Reads: 791 | Likes: 1
मैने सत्ता लोलुप परिवारो को ,इंसानो की रूह कुचलते देखा है । मैने लोगो को तिल- तिल ,तड़प - तड़प मरते देखा है । मैने सत्त  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 09:20 AM
By Devangshri in Romance | Reads: 483 | Likes: 1
Blue   I entered the room. It was different this time. The curtains; the curtains were changed to sky blue colour. The evening rays scattered through the blue curtains into the room. It felt as if I was amidst the ocean.  The door of the room opened and he emerged, smiling. He had his blu  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 12:03 PM
By Aiswarya. K. S in Poetry | Reads: 294 | Likes: 1
                        PALOMA      Paloma, a glory, a heavenly vision  Earth had ever received,  Allows you to remain responsive  Creating wings  Expecting nothing in return        &nb  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 12:11 PM
For Love
By Aiswarya. K. S in Poetry | Reads: 684 | Likes: 1
For Love  All these letters were written in his name  The enlightenment that I gained  If there was no element like him  I would be just an image of the unconsciousness  The circumstances were irrelevant  Unknowingly both of them  became a magnet for one another,&n  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 12:20 PM
How Simple Life Is
By Aiswarya. K. S in Poetry | Reads: 1,011 | Likes: 1
HOW SIMPLE LIFE IS  They told me that  They just need a simple life  They were talking about simplicity  throughout their life  And couldn't figure it out  The slums of this metropolitan city  taught me, How Simple Life Is..  Although it's short  Ironica  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 12:31 PM
By Aiswarya. K. S in Poetry | Reads: 383 | Likes: 1
I'm not sketching anything  For the sake of something  It's seriously nothing  Just some pieces of everything          Aiswarya   Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 12:33 PM