New Normal
By Rashmi Ranjan Sethi in Poetry | Reads: 504 | Likes: 1
C. O. R. O. N. A.  Cursed spell or curiosity of evil you are Puttinghuman evolution in scare  Somehow you exempt the air  And we're safe from your nightmare.   Obvious or devious not the matter We'll catch up sooner or  later Let us heal ourselves first And clean your ent  Read More...
Published on May 29,2020 02:58 PM
By Kvr in Poetry | Reads: 504 | Likes: 0
எவனோ விதைத்த விதைகளை நாம் இன்று அறுவடை செய்கின்றோம், ஆனால் அவனோ விதை நெல்லை விதைக்காமல் வினையை(வியாதியை) விதைத  Read More...
Published on May 31,2020 10:39 AM
Life without you
By Darpan Sain in Poetry | Reads: 504 | Likes: 0
                            Life without you.  There are many colors in you and I'm just a plain canvas nothing without you. Your colors are so deep and dark, you cage people for your heart. My life was just white and plain,   Read More...
Published on May 31,2020 05:10 PM
The Resistance of love
By Kaushik Bhuyan in General Literary | Reads: 504 | Likes: 0
It's August, f or most people it's the first month of the second half of the year. Not for everyone though, as for some it's the month that marks the beginning of the whole new journey.     Just like that, the journey has started for Dhruv. The journey that decides his future, his fate. H  Read More...
Published on Jun 3,2020 12:20 PM
Pandemic Effects
By Ishaana Dayal in General Literary | Reads: 504 | Likes: 3
        Pandemic Effects         by Ishaana Dayal   There are lots of before and afters this year (2020) it is being very challenging. For kids like us, all the classroom teachings have changed into online classes.     &  Read More...
Published on Jun 22,2020 04:42 PM
Your Advent.
By Ankita Saha in Poetry | Reads: 503 | Likes: 1
I sensed your coming, I knew your being, Quite apparently, Quite before you had arrived.   On a plain summer afternoon, While the world outside lagged a little, I was resting on the chair, slackly as ever, With my fingers holding their cup of tea. The white curtains of the window swung a littl  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 06:35 PM
By Suresh in Mystery | Reads: 503 | Likes: 0
"'LIFE is a Mystery to be Lived and not a Problem to be Solved'".When we solve one problem the other comes out like Corona like expect the unexpected. We dont know what to do !!! the World with best inventions unable to understand how to control it !! We are at the MERCY OF INVISIBLE !!!  Whe  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 12:38 PM
Realize your own GWM
By Sudhir Kulkarni in General Literary | Reads: 503 | Likes: 0
[0002] Write your Heart ❤️ out.                                              
Published on Mar 31,2020 11:51 AM
By Eshaan in Poetry | Reads: 503 | Likes: 1
Kadar kar, jataa matt. Fikar kar, dikha matt. Tu chahta hai ki dosti rhe toh, Mohabbat kar, bata Matt.   Read More...
Published on Apr 7,2020 10:47 PM
अब लौह बनकर निकलूंगी
By pranita meshram in Poetry | Reads: 503 | Likes: 1
जलती रही तेर झूठे अभिमान के अंगारों में,  अब लौह बनकर निकलूंगी,  जो छुआ तूने मुझे तो  सबसे बुरा तेरा हश्न करूंगी   Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 09:12 PM
Joining today
By ROOPESH in General Literary | Reads: 503 | Likes: 1
Are you sure? I asked her to confirm if I heard her correctly. Okay. I disconnected the phone and started thinking quickly to find a solution. Instead what I could find was my wife staring at me in anticipation to know what had happened. ‘Who’s phone’. She asked. ‘Office.&rsq  Read More...
Published on May 2,2020 05:34 PM
Your Favorite Color
By Rakshanda Kharatmal in General Literary | Reads: 503 | Likes: 1
Loving people is like loving colors. What's your favorite color? And why is it your favorite? You don't have any specific reason. Do you? You just like what that color made your eyes feel. It's still your favorite color even if someone else is wearing it. You ain't owning it. But you love watching i  Read More...
Published on May 2,2020 11:47 PM
By Boomika Vellaiyan in True Story | Reads: 503 | Likes: 0
Everyday, one cup gets broke. Not by mistake. It is very much my blatant action. Ma keeps saying, "you should learn to do everything if you want to live on your own." Ma knows, I’m the only one who always served her hot cup of tea or coffee in the late weary evening on her work days and otherw  Read More...
Published on May 13,2020 11:45 AM
By ali in Fantasy | Reads: 503 | Likes: 0
Two little dicky birds set on a well one name Peter one name fall fly away Peter fly away fall come back  Peter  come back fall     page 1 Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what your well up upon a world so high like a diamond twinkle sky  page2 One ,two black up  Read More...
Published on May 15,2020 11:14 AM
Wordlessly Serendipitous
By Aastha Singh Rajput in General Literary | Reads: 503 | Likes: 1
Wordlessly Serendipitous  The dusty evenings of Seoul welcomed me with the noises of blasting horns, roads as busy as ever. I could assume the fuchsia sky was covered with eburnean smog like it did all this time. I’d have loved to complain how this city had turned polluted over the years   Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 11:52 AM