Gauri Daga



Books by Gauri Daga

This book is a collection of moments curated into poems, stories and verses. In between these pages you’d find how the author describes the sunset to the blind, pens down the story of an eighty year old woman selling rugs and tells us through poetry how it feels when you fall in love with an artist. 

It is a collection of her anecdotes where she paints pictures of midnight skies and sunsets  through her words and ignites a ray of hope a

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अपना प्रोफाइल एडिट करें

अधिकतम फ़ाइल साइज: 5 एमबी।
फ़ाइल फॉर्मेट: .jpg, .jpeg, .png
Gauri Daga's Author Page - Notion Press | India's largest book publisher

Gauri Daga



Books by Gauri Daga

This book is a collection of moments curated into poems, stories and verses. In between these pages you’d find how the author describes the sunset to the blind, pens down the story of an eighty year old woman selling rugs and tells us through poetry how it feels when you fall in love with an artist. 

It is a collection of her anecdotes where she paints pictures of midnight skies and sunsets  through her words and ignites a ray of hope a

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अपना प्रोफाइल एडिट करें

अधिकतम फ़ाइल साइज: 5 एमबी।
फ़ाइल फॉर्मेट: .jpg, .jpeg, .png