Ankit Gupta



The Golden Words of Krishna

Books by Ankit Gupta

“The Golden words of Krishna” 
is to provide Spiritual Wisdom and 
the Knowledge of the Absolute.

For the One, occupied in 
Personal and Professional life, 
but a Spiritual person, 
who wants to consume less Time and 
learn the most important Life lessons that 
Lord Krishna preached to great Warrior Arjun,

illustrated in “The Bhagavad Gita” 
which is

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अपना प्रोफाइल एडिट करें

अधिकतम फ़ाइल साइज: 5 एमबी।
फ़ाइल फॉर्मेट: .jpg, .jpeg, .png
Ankit Gupta's Author Page - Notion Press | India's largest book publisher

Ankit Gupta



The Golden Words of Krishna

Books by Ankit Gupta

“The Golden words of Krishna” 
is to provide Spiritual Wisdom and 
the Knowledge of the Absolute.

For the One, occupied in 
Personal and Professional life, 
but a Spiritual person, 
who wants to consume less Time and 
learn the most important Life lessons that 
Lord Krishna preached to great Warrior Arjun,

illustrated in “The Bhagavad Gita” 
which is

ज्यादा पढ़ें... Buy Now

अपना प्रोफाइल एडिट करें

अधिकतम फ़ाइल साइज: 5 एमबी।
फ़ाइल फॉर्मेट: .jpg, .jpeg, .png