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Author Name: Dr MEKKANTI MANASA REKHA | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details
As a Author of this book I would like to convey brief message regarding importance of Medical abbrevations in health care system , writing Medical Abbrevations saves time . Actually I have experienced so many of my students struggling in getting meanings of Medical abbrevations during their ward rounds of hospital postings as that are written in abbreviated forms by Physicians in Hospitals which is difficult to understand, so I decided to give information regarding all commonly day to day using Medical Abbrevations in a book form , this pocket book will brings you a easy reference for almost all common Medical Abbrevations starting from alphabet's A TO Z .This book will you best experience in easy searching.For writing this book I have referred so many standard websites as well as text books after thorough cross refferences I made this book into proper shape with best contents ,so as a health care professional I took this opportunity in helping all graduates ,undergraduates ,post graduate students of Medicine,Pharmacy,Nursing ,Physiotherapy,and various allied Health sciences, Health care professionals in Reference of Medical abbrevations .Hope u all like this Book and will give your Support and encouragement in my future works too .


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Myself Dr MEKKANTI MANASA REKHA ,Assistant professor,Department of Pharmacy Practice, Gautham college of Pharmacy R.T Nagar Banagalore Karnataka India. I completed my Doctor of Pharmacy Gold medalist, Topper of Annamacharya college of Pharmacy ,under Annamacharya education trust University ,Andhra pradesh India .I got 32 prestigious awards in various National and International conferences ,Talent search examinations eassy competitions and published 50 research and reviews papers in the field of Pharmaceutical sciences, guided worked and helped in 30 Research projects and working as an Editor ,Associate Editor Peer reviewer, Advisory board member in Various National and international Reputed scientific journals with high impact factors , I have written a book named Pharm-D (Doctor of Pharmacy)---Royal creators of healthy India.I would like to thank my Father and Mother Sri Mekkanti Ramanjanelyulu and Sri Mekkanti Sunadha and my Brother Mekkanti Mekkanti Pavan Kumar who always supports me to acheive greater heights . I would like to Thank almighty for Strengthening me in facing obstacles and acheiving Success .Thanks to my friends, well wishers and my book readers and one and all for your support and encouragement.
